Oneshot 44

642 29 2

I want a girl who weights below 50 and I also want her to have a long straight black hair oh and I want her height to be 5'7 and I also want her to be pretty.Jungkook happily explain his ideal type with his group of friends who keep on listening to him as he was the leader of their group.

I took out the mirror I always carry everywhere and look at myself in the mirror with pure sadness.

I have a round eyes with long lashes but my chubby cheeks just makes everything ugly and so as my weight, I weight 59kilos and it would be impossible to be Jeon Jungkook's ideal girl as what I just heard he wants a girl who weights below 50 and long straight back hair?I have a shoulder length wavy brown hair and my height just made it more far to be that girl he wants to date as my height is only 5'4.

I shut my eyes as my gaze once again went on their table and my heart suddenly stop beating when I saw Jungkook staring at me, or are my eyes just playing tricks on me?

Jungkook oppa!I frown when I heard a female's voice shouted his name behind me.

I told you to just call me Jungkook.Jungkook pouted cutely which made my mouth a gape at how cute he is.

Jungkook's eyes then went back on me but he quickly look away which made me wonder, does he also like me?

Oh come on Y/n your cousins doesn't even like you then Jeon Jungkook?I look down on my food and let out a sigh.

I'll just skip lunch like yesterday.I nodded my head at what I thought before I carried my tray and threw it on the near trashbin.

My stomach grumbled but I just ignored it and quickly walk out of the cafeteria and back to my classroom.

A sniff left my mouth and soon tears started to come out of my eyes.

I'm a very sensitive person and I always feel insecure especially when it comes to my weight so I always skip eating even though my stomach is empty.

Oh look fatty Y/n is here.A loud annoying voice echoed on the used to be quiet classroom as giggling sounds was heard from her friends after.

I just ignore them as I look the other way which is where the window is located.

Yah!are you ignoring us?!One of her friend ask as I hear her footsteps getting nearer after that.

A yelp left my mouth when my hair was suddenly pulled backwards.

Your so shameful to stare that long on Jeon Jungkook.My head jerk forward when she push my head with force but I still stayed silent.

I only want you to do one thing Kim Y/n and that is to stay away from him.She gave me an evil smile before they left the room.

One thing for sure, I can't stay away from the person I love.


I fix my hair infront of my small mirror and leave out a shaky breath.

After a week has passed I notice Jungkook always staring at me and I got the feeling that our feelings are mutual to each other.

You only live once Y/n.I mumble under my breath before I look up and walk towards Jeon Jungkook who is as usual with his group of friends.

They stop talking when they notice me.

I look up at Jungkook and gave him a small smile and he in return also gave me one which made me fall for him deeper than it already is from before.

Jungkook you probably don't know me but I really want to tell you that I like you since the day I laid my eyes on you and I hope you also do.

OMG!You actually thought that I like you back?HAHA!s-sorry but I'm already in a relationship.He said while laughing as his friends can't help but to laugh along.

B-but how about the s-stares you always g-give me?I ask him in a shaky tone and after I said that his laughing only went louder.

It's because I pity you.



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