Oneshot 37

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J-jungkook please w-wake up n-now.I cried out as I don't care anymore on how I look right now.

Jungkook i-it's been 5months w-why are you s-still not waking up?I ask as I held his hand on my warm ones.

I'm so sorry for all of the things I did to you, I am such a bad girlfriend.I thought as I stared at his pale face.

I promise I would do anything just to make you wake up even if it would cost my life.I stood up from the seat I sat on which is beside his bed and look at him one last time before I walk out of his room and out of the hospital.


Ms I need your help.I said as she then pointed at the seat infront of her.

Tell me your problem.She said as her gaze then went back on the book she was reading.

Ms I want my boyfriend to wake up and live like the healthy person that be used to be.I said in a fast tone as I look at her with hopeful eyes.

She sigh and shut her eyes before giving me a look.

She then stood up from her seat and opened an old fashion cabinet and took out a bottle that contains a pink liquid.

This liquid can grant 1 wish but it also have a consequence.She said in a warning tone but my eyes remained just like before.

W-what kind of consequence?I ask in a shaky tone.

It can take the life of the person who wished.What she said made my eyes widen.

M-ms if you ever meet my boyfriend please tell him that I l-love him.A tear then left my eye as my shaky hand took the bottle of liquid on her hand.


-Third Person-

M-mom?Jungkook's parents quickly went closer to Jungkook who keeps on looking around.

Jungkook your awake!his mom cried out as she knelt down near his bed and took a hold on his hand.

W-where's Y/n?He ask in a sad tone.

His parents stopped what they were doing and look at Jungkook with pity.

Son, Y/n passed away just this morning.



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