Oneshot 115

445 21 0

I throw myself on the sofa lazily as I bounce a bit from the softness of it thanks to my mom who's a hundred one percent obsess with soft materials but I don't really think if she's also not into hard stuff like-ehem better stop talking about that.Mom is an Angel mom is an Angel mom is an Angel.I troed to convinced myself only to once again remember the soft and hard thingy.*Face slap*.Taking out my phone I let out a long silent yawn right as I turn on my phone then a message pop out.

Jungkook:Heyヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノ


I was about to place my phone down thinking that the dude was doing something at the moment when a message once again pop out with a ding sound and a not so silent vibrating sound.Annoying.

Jungkook:Are you doing something at the moment?If not then that's good but if your doing something important or not Idc but stop I T!

Y/n:Yah are you on drugs?why so demanding?and I'm not doing anything!(눈▽눈) just being a couch potato=woop I'm actually lying on my coach!

Third Person

Jungkook shake his head with a small smile before contemplating on what to type next.While Y/n on the other hand was just blankly staring on her bright screen waiting patiently for a reply.But her eyes soon gave out as they went teary from the brightness of the screen and she quickly lower the brightness from fifty to zero.Yeah that's better.

Jungkook:My dad will definitely kill me if ever I'm going to be involve with drugs.

Y/n:Is the baby afraid of his daddy?(^O^)

Y/n reread what she sent and did a hard face palm when her mind went all green.While Jungkook went all red and quickly hid his red face by pulling his black cap down even though he was just inside his home.His room to be exact but the thing is he is currently sharing a room with his brother temporarily cause there was a minor problem with the window of his brother's room after a baseball crash on the glass and ta-da now he can no more have the privacy he once had.

Jungkook:Your just jealous coz your father is busy with his work but don't worry I can replace him in doing the job better than my dad can do;)

Y/n:• • • • • •

Y/n went silent after that she doesn't know what to feel.Is she supposed to be mad?for mentioning her dad or be flustered at the mentioning of him replacing her dad's responsibility.Is it going to be a dad-daughter relationship or ehem ehem I mean the emoji in the end was clearly the clue of what he meant.

10 minutes later

Jungkook waited for a response but it's been ten minutes and Y/n still hadn't given him one.He's starting to worry.Did something happen to her?Has she fallen asleep already?But they still hadn't done their good night routine which is a bunch of heart emojis and a fight of whom will end the conversation and ofcourse he would always let her win cause-it's a secret.

26 minutes later

Y/n:• • • • • •

Why is she still not done typing?is she perhaps making a paragraph?but it's so unlike her but we never know.He thought as his gaze was fix on the moving bubble beside Y/n's name.Not noticing the person hovering on tpp of him with a smirk tugging up the side of his lips.

45 minutes later

Y/n was in dilemma as she started to pace back and forth inside her room as she held ger phone tightly on her hold.She felt shy all of a sudden and she thinks that Jungkook already sleep and got impatient with her reply.Finally making her decision she tap the send button.

Jungkook's phone finally made a ding sound after half an hour had passed.He rub his eyes and re-read the two letters that was sent by the girl on the other side.

Y/n:O K

Jungkook type back but right as he press the send button-

Message not sent

-Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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