√O:23 PART 2 - The wife's one-sided love*chp22*

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A/n: the continuation ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ sorry for the wait:)


After the countless times of throwing up Y/n notice herself gaining a large amount of weight every week especially her stomach. Y/n was concern about her body and she keeps pushing away the thought of being pregnant cause she doesn't want to. Y/n doesn't want to believe it.

Jungkook hadn't gone home the whole month and Y/n was suffering alone at home as sometimes her temperature goes up at night and she started experiencing countless of nightmares that would always wake her up in the middle of the night.

Y/n stared at herself in the mirror then she held the hem of her shirt and slowly lift it up showing a small bump. Y/n covered her mouth feeling mixed emotions as she caress her small bump and let out a small laugh.

"Baby, mother is so sorry." Y/n mutter under her breath as she caress her bumb again feeling a strange connection when she does it.


Y/n did not tell anyone about her pregnancy and neither did she tell Jungkook cause she thinks that he would not accept their child. She herself is not even treated as a wife.

But Y/n never forgets to give Jungkook a call everyday and it became a habit of hers to do even if it doesn't reach a minute she fine with it and now accepted it. It doesn't matter anymore cause she now has her unborn child that would soon accompany her in her life.

When Y/n was crossing the street a bunch of guys who were on the side of the road stared at her making her uncomfortable as she quicken her pace.

Y/n quickly entered the small private clinic where an obstetrician resides while letting out a sigh of relief. Other pregnant women were also around with their husbands and Y/n sat on a vacant seat feeling isolated after a minute her name was finally called and she was lead inside an office with white walls surrounding the whole place.

"Good noon Mrs Y/n is your husband with you or it's just you who came here alone?" Y/n purse her lips and shake her head.


"Oh is he busy with work then? He should have accompanied you here so you two can see your baby's ultrasound together." The obegyn kept talking and Y/n felt like the obegyn is minding her business a bit much but did not say anything and just waited for the process to finish.

"Okay now please lie down on the bed." Then a cool gel was applied on her bump and the doctor used an transducer and move it around her bump.

"Oh look isn't that a cute little man." The obegyn pointed a screen and when Y/n saw the little figure she was in tears as she stared at her baby. It was so small. A baby boy, she is having a baby boy.

After handing her the ultrasound pictures Y/n happily kept the inside her bag and made sure to not crumple them.

When Y/n walk out of the clinic the bunch of guys who were looking at her earlier surrounded her. Y/n paled at the sight of them. Their looks were up to no good.

"W-what do you want?" Y/n stummer on her words as she tried to bypass them but she was pulled back by her arm as she quickly hug her stomach protectively.

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