Oneshot 82

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I walk in my slow pace as I jump slightly when a black cat jump infront of me.Gee I heard that black cats means bad luck and I think the bad luck is coming.

I turn my head around only to see a group of guys walking with bottles of beer on their hands.

My head started to fill with bad thoughts thinking about what would happen to me when they notice that a girl is standing not so far away from them and their drunk so they won't be on their right minds and-

Hey their little girl.The hairs all over my body stood up when I heard a creepy voice near me.

Without thinking twice I run as fast as I could and I heard their steps following behind me which made the emotion of fear grew inside me.

I went towards the right corner with tears in my eyes only to be pulled on the left side of the alley and the person quickly slam it's palm on my mouth before I could even shout.

Shhh shut up if your don't want to die.The person quietly said and slowly pull away his hand away from my mouth.

We heard some curses and I look at the direction on where it came from only to see the drunk guys as they ran towards the right side on where I was supposed to be right now, good thing this stranger over hear pulled me.

He back away from me and I just notice that our bodies were actually attach to each other since a while ago.

He was about to walk away but I stop him by holding him by his black hoodie.

What?He ask in a bored tone before he slide both of his hands on the pocket of his hoodie.

T-thank you for helping me.I stutter out before looking up at him only to see now with a cigarette between his lips.

He pulled the thing away before giving me a glare which made him look so cool.

Yeah yeah and just to remind you that the right direction is not always right.I though of what he said and finally understand him.

Noted umm.

Just call me kook.

•Get ready for a bunch of updates.


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