√Oneshot 21 : Meeting his drunk first love

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No past relationship experience made Y/n's first date with Kim Taehyung (A/n: cuz he's hot) awkward and she only talks when he talks to her first and when they had dinner it was even more awkward and Y/n always felt the feeling of digging a hole for her to hide her awkward self cause Taehyung keep looking at her face! It suddenly made her conscious as she keep touching the side of her face and with every little move of hers it made his brows twitch. It made Y/n cry with no tears.

"You know what's the meaning of this date right?" Taehyung broke the silence as he place down his utensils and wipe his mouth with a napkin (A/n:for those Filipinos who understands- hehhe sherep).

Y/n look up at him with pink cheeks and can't help but feel shy again when she saw his face up close in person. Her mother has been pestering her to have a boyfriend and even gave her a bunch of pictures of guys to choose and there was even a model she saw that day but in the end it was Kim Taehyung who she picked. His face is too handsome to be ignored:)

"It means a collaboration will soon happen between the Kims and L/ns and us getting married." He prop his chin in the palm of his right hand and stare at her with his dark chocolate eyes (A/n:suddenly craved for one). Y/n's cheek flush more at the word 'us getting married'. Is she really going to marry this handsome dude.

"I-i'm fine with it." Y/n's soft tone said as she slowly took her glass of water and took a sip.

"But I'm not I already have a girlfriend." Y/n's face went pale hearing this as she lower her head and bit her inner cheek the little flapping bird in her chest stop moving and it was silent (A/n: been wanting to add this little birdie) .

"So please tell your parents that and I bless you with all the best I still have something to do and I may have to end this date here." Taehyung stood up and took his suit and gave Y/n a small smile then he left the private room.

"Woooo" Y/n let out an ugly cry after hearing the door close. She gave herself a slap on the face and scold herself for being an easy person. She actually like a guy on their firat meeting. Well why is she to blame when she really thought that the guy was single and was also interested on her with the way he looks at her. But he's actually already with someone and she doubt that he even likes a thing about her and maybe he might have just look at her for a long time because of her pretty face.

Y/n's cry sounded inside the room and by coincidence a man in a casusal outfit passed by the half ajar door and saw Y/n with her face planted on the table with her shoulder shaking as she let out muffled cries. Jungkook doesn't know why he suddenly stopped by and peek on the crying girl but hearing her cries made him felt an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. He shook his head hurriedly and walk back towards the private room just beside this one.

When Jungkook entered the room it was like a typhoon happened inside and everything was in disorder and spilled wine was scattered on the ground the curtains were ripped off and was around on a person who slept on the corner cozily(A/n:who do you think was that?). Everyone was loud and they were just seven of them inside.

"The heck what happen here?" Jungkook took out his handkerchief and wipe the wet sofa with a disgust look. A disheveled man walk closer to him and hang his arm on his shoulder and Jungkook inhaled alcohol in him and he quickly push the man off him.

"I thought you were on a date?" The man let out a snort and laid his head on Jungkook's lap and this time Jungkook just let him be.

'I'm such a good friend.' He praise himself.

"Yeah and I told her I already have someone." The man drunkenly replied with his eyes shut ready to sleep.

"You're still not over her?"

"You mean my Angel? Yeah I would never be over her she was the best I'll just wait for her to come back after she finishes her studies so we can get married and have dozens of babies~!" Taehyung let laugh with his eyes close as a picture of his Angel appear in his mind.

"And was the girl fine about it?" Jungkook ask again cause he's curious about this friend of his and he felt that his friend's life is more interesting than his.

"She actually cried and she might be still on the room beside this..." Then Taehyung fell asleep with his thoughts full of the girl in his dreams and also in reality(A/n: wth is this?id understand lmao).

Jungkook was surprised and his thoughts went back on the girl he saw that made him feel distress. He took a pillow and laid Taehyung's head on the soft cotton then he walk out of the room and on the other room.

Jungkook let out shallow breath first to calm hisself and slowly push the private room open. Then he saw the girl with her back facing him as she chug on a bottle of wine and was obviously super drunk now.

"I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY ANYONE IN THIS LIFEUUU!" Y/n yelled and cry after as she place down the bottle of wine with a 'bang' and it became unsteady and drop on the ground making a glass shattering noise and Y/n's cry became louder as she sob on her arms with snot coming out of her nose.

Jungkook unconsciously touch his chest feeling sad as he walk near the girl and sat on the seat beside her with her facing the other way.

"Hey you'll be fine he's not the only handsome guy living in this world." After realizing what he said Jungkook felt like slapping himself. 'I'm so bad at comforting people.' He thought to himself.

"Should've have just chose that model dude." Jungkook heard Y/n mutter. Y/n raise her head and look at the man with blurry sight then she saw a familiar face but she was not able to focus properly cause she felt like floating and her brain is also floating.

"Y/n?" Jungkook can't believe it and look properly at the drunk girl as he remiscent back on school days where he secretly stares at a certain girl in the classroom and secretly does things for her and also the part where he also secretly follows her when she walks home. Y/n, the highschool crush that he had lost contact with after graduating highschool is here right infront of him and there was just the two of them inside the box.

"You look like the model dude on the picture my mom gave me hmm." Y/n talk while looking at him with half lidded eyes then her head plop down on the table.

Jungkook smile seeing the girl sleep while letting out soft snores and praise her in his mind for recognizing him as a model cause she is right he is indeed working as a famous model.


Written and Edited on - 11/12/21

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