√O:24 PART 2 - Age gap*chp8*

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The wedding venue was decorated in every edges and not a single dirt could be seen on the floor as it glowed and shined radiating from the chandelier made of small crystals hanged on the ceiling.

The people around socialize with one another as laughters could be heard from countless of table one after another. Everyone was happy but a certain person was the most happy among these people after hearing a countless compliment of the designs of the venue and they were even wondering on who was the person who decorated it.

"Mommy is really the best!" Y/n's little cousin exclaimed as he look around the large room with his doe eyes while Y/n beside him has a large smile full of doting then she gave her little cousin a pat on the head.

"Thank you and did you escape your mother's clutch again so you can stick to me? You little rascal you're going to give your poor mother a heart attack when you just all of a sudden disappear like this." She bend down her knees and carried the little boy.

"Mommy I don't want uppie I'm not a baby anymore." The little boy exquisitely complained but his arms were securely wrap around her neck and so Y/n just let out a little laugh and carried on her walk towards her brother who is the groom of the wedding.

"Hyun-Woo my little man why are you letting your noona carry you?" The groom stood up from his seat and took the little boy from Y/n's arms.

"It was Mommy who wants to carry Hyun-Woo." Hyun-Woo pouted his small mouth feeling wronged. The groom just laugh it out and didn't really believe then he started playing with the boy making Hyun-Woo happy again.

"So how was my work of art? Are you satisfied or satisfied?" Y/n sat on the vacant seat with a triumph look shown on her face then she greet her now sister-in-law who quickly left her brother's side and sat beside her.

"Y/n! I really have no regrets on choosing you to be my wedding designer it's a pity you instead chose to be a white collared worker." Hana hug Y/n's arm but refrain from touching her face on Y/n's dress cause she's wearing make-up. Y/n's brother who saw his wife acting all spoiled towards his sister became a sensitive pup and Y/n noticed this and rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Hyun-Woo come on I'm taking you back to your mother or she'll cry." Y/n threatened the little boy and Hyun-Woo quickly put up his arms wanting to be carried.

Not far from the place Y/n carrying little Hyun-Woo in her arms a bunch of man sat on the bar section drinking wine. A man who just came back with two glasses of wine sat on the high stool beside a man in a black suit who was on his phone with a serious expression on his face.

"Secretary Woo move my morning meetings to the afternoon tomorrow." "Why?" "What are you the boss? Do your work properly and never question your boss." Then he ended the call.

"Drink some wine bro." The man slid the other glass of wine to Jungkook who didn't even had a second thought before he drank the wine in one go.

"It's a pity that uncle Jeon got sick and the company affairs were quickly handed to you just after graduating college." Jungkook's friend can't help but pity him then he hand his untouched wine to Jungkook who took it and just take a sip of it this time.

Jungkook didn't say anything in return and rolled his glass of wine in a circular motion.

"Kier, look at that lady she look so young but she already has a son." A random man pointed at Y/n's form who keep on looking around with Hyun-Woo in her arms.

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