√Oneshot 13:Demon butler

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On the cold night of December a girl on the her prime years swayed side by side not because she was drunk but because of the harsh chilly wind.Instead of celebrating with her family like other people were doing at the moment she can't since she doesn't have one anymore.After seeing her parents die right in front of her own two eyes she started to hate herself when she was unable to do anything to stop it from happening.She just cried like a child that she was not raised to be and just stared as the murder unfold knowing on who was the killer of her family.Their butler was the killer, he was their family butler who they dearly trusted he was young and handsome and they we're unable to detect any bad vibes in him but he was actually a born demon who can kill anyone with no hesitation.Jeon Jungkook was the butler's name and was also the guy who she grew feelings to as years gone by.Y/n doesn't know the reason why he killed her family and the man also didn't but he let her choose on that day it was to leave or stay.


I stop on my tracks when I notice the familiar surroundings I'm in.My breath hitch when I recognize the mansion I'm facing the mansion where I grew up that used to be all bright and lively now looks so dark and haunted.

'Is everything still like it used to be inside?' I can't help but thought and without knowing it my feet unconsciously entered the half open door of the dark mansion.

"Good to finally have you back, Lady Y/n." I jump on my feet at the familiar greeting that I used to love hearing everytime I enter.Jeon Jungkook.

"How was your 2 long weeks wandering around the street if I may ask, Lady Y/n?or should I just call you now Y/n?you once insist on calling you just like that right?" I swiftly twist my body around almost dropping myself but he was fast just like before and slid an arm around my waist.I stared right on his dark crimson eyes that I used to find beautiful and unique but now all I can see was a flashbacks on how he slaughter my family with no mercy.The insane expression he got that time made me frighten.

"I see still the old clumsy Y/n that always depends on me." He let out a chuckle and I flinch when his hold on me tighten and he noticed this and loosened up a bit.

"Why aren't you talking, dear?" He put on a sad expression before placing a hand on my cheek gliding it up and down softly and I can't help but feel comfortable and safe on his hold, in the arms of a demon.The things he's doing made me just want to forgive him right away.

"J-jungkook." His name escape my mouth and the side of his mouth twitch upward at this.I wiggle myself in his hold trying to break free but it was unsuccessful and it only made his grip tighten back on me.

"Dear, no one can stop us anymore I already got rid of them all now do me a favor and kiss me." He said but it was more like demand before he leaned down on me and I became frozen in his arms as I stared at his captivating eyes that shone onto the dark mansion, thunder claps we're heard outside but neither the two of us move as we just stared onto each other's eyes.

His eyes we're like trying to hypnotized me as they shone brighter then he spoke something that made me unable to disagree.

"Be with me Y/n forget all about those pest and love each other eternally from today onward."

"Okay." My quick reply came out just after he finished speaking.I felt like a robot being controlled.


Jeonlys:Sebastian Michaelis mah bebe

Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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