Chapter 45

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I Am In Love With The Impossibility Of Us
-Lauren Eden

Chapter 45

Celestia's Pov:

Today was the day the boys were waiting for. They'll be having their basketball match tonight at the school.

It will be our school against Maynooth. What I heard from Nessa and Brent is that they always had a beef with each other for a long time.

The only reason I was excited to go was because I'm gonna see Jaden play.

It was already time and I was dressing up. But I was scared as hell. All because of a freaking shirt. Because it was one of Jaden's jerseys and Brad is gonna see it.

I quickly got downstairs and the first thing he had to notice was the freaking jersey. Great!!!

He eyed me suspiciously.

"Why are you wearing Jaden's jersey?,"

"Because I didn't want to wear yours," I simply said, going towards the door without looking at him.

"Hell no hermanita, where do you think you're going?,"

Why does he has to know everything. Maybe I shouldn't have wore the jersey.

I stopped in front of the front door and turn towards him.

"You better give me a valid reason—,"

He got cut of by his phone ringing and bless that person who called him.

Just when he finished talking. I guess it was from the boys, he said.

"You're lucky we're late but we're having this conversation once the match is over," He said and we got into his car.

And I turn on the music to the max so that he doesn't have a chance questionning me again.

I sure as hell I'm gonna get in trouble when I get home.


Once we reached there, I met Nessa and Brent. We started talking when I found out that Nessa went on a date with Léo

"Wait what!!, " I was shocked. I wasn't expecting that. Sure they did kiss the other day at the pool but the date thing was unexpected after what he did.

"Shhh, he apologized again for whatever he did, he said he regretted it and wanted to make things right between us. So that's why we went on that date,"

"Are you happy with it and you think he is sincere?" I asked her.

"Yeah he did look sincere and he even stopped fooling around with girls like he used to," She explained.

It was a good thing.

Then we talked to Brant who he is now fooling around with girls . Something he wasn't doing before.

Chicos! I just don't understand them.

Just after talking to them, I got up to go get some cold drink when a boy bumped into me, making me drop my phone.

Puta Madre! Thank God it didn't crack.

"Shit, sorry about that I wasn't looking," The boy apologized.

"It's okay," I said nicely.

"Are you from this school?," He asked.

I nodded.

"Great, I'm not from here.. well I'm kinda lost and I was looking for the bathroom can you just tell me where it is?" He politely asked.

I gave him direction and he thanked me and I went to fetch the drink.

I put my phone in my pocket and started walking towards the drinks. When all of a sudden I felt someone grab my waist, put their hand on my mouth and dragged me with him.

I felt my heart thumping so hard. I was scared but felt relieved when I saw it was Jaden. Why would he scare me like that pendejo?

He pinned me against the nearby wall. His two hands beside my head on the wall.

"You scared me, you asshole!," I punched his chest only to hurt my own hand.

What was he made of? Brick?

I was about to push past him to go when he grabbed my jaw with one hand while the other my waist made me look at him.

He leaned in looking me in my eyes while his hand slowly went to my neck.

"Let me make myself clear, Fresa," His voice, deep. I could feel his mint breath on my face. We were so close.

"You're all mine and I don't like fucking sharing." His hands squeeze my neck a little.

I could feel the heat rushing to my neck, my face. Literally every part of my body.

What is he waiting for to kiss me? Or choke me?

I was waiting for that kiss but he let go of me and took a step back putting his hands in his pockets.

"Who the fuck was that guy you were talking too," He said sounding angry.

He saw that. I didn't even see him until now. And nothing new about his reaction right now he's doesn't like other guy near me.

"Are you jealous Jaden," I said, teasing him.

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm not fucking jealous. I'm selfish, selfish when it comes to you. I don't like others hitting on what's mine," He said in a possessive tone.

"Calm down Jaden. He was just asking for direction. He's from the other school I think." I told him.

"Won't you go change. You'll play in a few minutes." I said changing the subject.

He nods looking at my outfit, especially at his jersey.

"It looks better on you," He said smiling while we got out of here.

Damn that smile. I just can't get enough of it.


The match started. After like 60 minutes,we were close to the end of the match and it was a tie between the two teams.

I could see Jaden's eyes focus on the balls. He was all sweaty and droplets traveling down his face.

All of us were tense but like always we won. We started screaming happily and so did the other students of our team.


After the match, Brad and Jaden went to wash up and changed their clothes. I talked to Madi while Nessa already left with Lorenzo.

We were all walking to the parking lot when I decided to talk.

"Brad, I won't ruin your plans with Madi today," I said.

Because I was not gonna go home with him. I wanted to go with Jaden.

"Last time you told me to go with Jaden but I said no, but today is your lucky day," I said joyfully, hoping he would agree.

"No there is no plan, no need to go with Jaden," He said. I know he's still thinking about why i wore his jersey.

I know Brad, he sure has something in mind. Is this all because of the shirt? Is he doubting there is something between me and Jaden?

But luckily Madi came to my rescue.

"Brad, you said you were gonna come to my place today," Madi said in a pleading voice.

"Ok but I'll drop Celestia first and then come to yours," Brad said.

I looked at Jaden who looks like he also is feeling something isn't right.

"Nah, it will be late until you reach at my place. So let her go with Jaden." She said grabbing his arm and pulling him towards his car.

"I—-," Brad wad cut off my Madi saying bye before entering their car.

Thank God Madi came to my rescue. But still, Brad didn't look like he liked the idea of me going with Jaden. But why? Does he suspect us?

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