Seventy Six

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"How you see me—is how I see you too."

Those words—Levi's words, rang through me like cannon fire. Loud and undeniable. My eyes widen when I replayed his words for the fifth time.

He didn't seemed unphased and merely waited for my upcoming reaction. One that I was still comprehending how to give. Confusion hits me like a never-ending flood while I was shocked with surprise.

Does he—like me too? And if so then his actions, no, more like his words didn't add up. The way he'd refused to offer up anything unless it was physical doesn't add to the fact he sees me as how I view him.
As someone special.

Someone whom I grew more fond of by each coming day. But what if does he truly likes me and I was a fool to not see it early enough? God, I didn't know what to think or how to take his claim.

What was I supposed to say? How to react? Should I be happy or should I think there's some sort of catch behind all this?

One doubtful thought after the other I was beginning to have trouble with my breathing. Hell, I found it damn hard to formulate words to fill in this awkward tension. And I was glad Levi noticed.

He'd turned his stifling, intense gaze away and began to stare at something else. He even changed the subject for me.

"Are these new?"

I watch as he gracefully picks up a roll of bandages that sat atop my nightstand. He examines it with such precision. I give a stiff nod but immediately remember that I need to speak.

"I should change my bandages."

If Hanji were to find out tomorrow then I would be in deep shit. Levi nods thoughtfully as if he knew what I was thinking. Finally looking back at me his expression was neutral.

"Need some help?"

Instinctively I shake my head. I don't want him near me. Not when I looked like a mess.

"I know how to do it," I murmur and try to reach for the bandages. "You can leave and—mmph!"

Blistering pain suddenly shoots up my arm and I felt my upper body crumble at the feeling. My arm withers before I retracted it in such speed. Stars began to block my vision as I clench my jaw to resist another shout.

Something warm blossoms over my upper shoulder. It was as if something was trying to tear me into two.

"Emma, you're bleeding!" Levi was immediately by my side, eyes wild. I shut my eyes hoping this flaring pain would go away. Feeling something firm press against my upper shoulder I release a small yelp. Levi quickly withdrew his bloodied hand. "You reopened one of your wounds," he points out calmly. "I need to redress the bandages. Now." 

I shake my head with a trembling chin. I couldn't let him. He couldn't see.

Not when I'm such a wreck. I could tell Levi was getting impatient. I heard him huff while shifting his stance.

"Emma, for once stop being stubborn! This can lead to infection if I don't look at it. Just let me change the bandages."

I shake my head once more but, this time something wet ran down my cheeks. I was crying, shaking in fright. Couldn't he see how much I don't want this?

Can't he tell that I don't want him looking? I don't care if there was this burning, blistering pain coursing through me. I don't care if I was bleeding. I don't want to look weak—vulnerable.

Not in front of him.

"N-no." I breathe heavily. "You can't—"

"Emma, please," Levi begs softly. His hand gently caresses my cheek, making me open my eyes. I met his desperate yet also, soft gaze. I never knew he was capable of such a look. "Let me help you."

Risk [Levi Ackerman]✔️Where stories live. Discover now