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I was an idiot to think my group would be able to handle horseback and ODM training all at once. I was sure it was taught at the Training Corps but seeing how these young Cadets perform their lesson made me feel the Corps became a pathetic waste.

I already have to deal with one unconscious Cadet and three who gained a mild-concussion. Today's lesson was truly off to a horrible start.

"Look, it's not hard!" I sigh while pinching my nose. "You run through the forest and when you make ten miles you hook your wire to the nearest branch. Then you jump off the horse."

"With all do respect, Lieutenant, it's harder than it sounds," Elise complains. She was trotting back from the ten mile mark with leaves in her blond hair.

Her eyes were singed in frustration and her body slouched in exhaustion. I stare at her with my mouth agape and began to hear mutter replies.

"Alright, enough!" I shout over them. I give them all a firm stare. "You all learned this in the Training Corps, did you not?" Edward shrugs with a grimacing frown.

"We did," he answered thoughtfully. "But we never thought we would have to know how to do it."

A deranged expression takes over my face. A loud scoff escapes me for I had no words to what I heard.

"You--you thought you didn't need to know the techniques of ODM horseback?" I chuckle feeling an irk popping out of my temple.

Unbelievable. They joined the Survey Corps. How in the world did it cross their minds they wouldn't be on horseback? Or even use their gear?

"The amount of stupidity you have is beyond me."

Edward flinches with small gasp. He looks away childishly. I snicker at his action before placing my hands on my hips.

"Listen, you all need to master this by the end of this week." I hold up three fingers. "That's in three days, everyone. And that's not enough time. So, are you going mope about like a bunch of wusses or are you going to learn this simple skill?"

In a heartbeat everyone shouts their determination to master this skill. I was pleased by their respect. I was a bit worried after the Reed incident. I glance to the limp body against the tree. I was sure he wouldn't wake for another couple of hours.

"Alright, then!" I shout with my attention back to them. "I want to hear the wire zipping out of the gear! No hesitation!"

A firm and confident yes ma'am's, escape their young lips followed by the loud clopping of the horses. I watch them sprint through the forest, I was sure this time everyone would make it. Yet, one horse doesn't follow. It stays rooted to its spot. It's master not shaking the reigns for the horse to move.

"Why aren't you following them, Edward?" I question when I make my way to him. "Is your horse tired?"

He mutely shakes his head. A stupid smile was plastered on his face while his eyes were kept in front of him. I study his stature, he was sitting up straight seeming a bit confident.

His lightly tanned skin gleams under the spots of sunlight. I suddenly became well aware how young he was compared to me. Edward finally looks at me, his smile turning into a grin.

A bit of hair falls over his face but, he doesn't move it. Instead he releases a small huff, something an impressed commander would do.

"It's amazing how everyone follows your orders so quickly now. They're scared of you, I think." I let go of all my formality, even my tough exterior. Edward always gave me that sense of comfort.

Risk [Levi Ackerman]✔️Where stories live. Discover now