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Chapter 47 | Leo


I wake up to my cheek squished against an incredibly hard rock and a two flashes of light blinding my eyes.

The rock stirs beneath me as I slowly pry my eyes open, confusion flooding through me as a I try and apprehend where I am and why I can hear three people giggling.

"Oh no, they're waking up," one of the mysterious people whispers before breaking out into another fit of quiet laughter. "And look where Lucas' hand is!"



I shoot up from the wall I had been using as a pillow, pushing my hair away from my eyes and swivelling my head around to try and make sense of my location.

Then my brain finally decides to catch up with me.

I'm in my living room, with Mia, Grace and my abuela huddled directly in front of me where I am, or was, lying on the sofa - correction, lying on Lucas; my head pressed against the hard planes of his chest, our legs tangled together, one of his hands behind his head and the other...resting on my ass cheeks.

I promptly slap his chest to wake him up.

"Lucas," I hiss. "Get your hands off me."

He makes some incoherent noise but does as a I say, removing his hand where it had a comfortable grip on my butt.

However instead, he blindly loops that arm around my waist and hauls me back onto his chest.

Abuela takes another picture as I try to wriggle out of his embrace.

"Lucas," I repeat, my voice coming out muffled. "Wake up!"

When he doesn't budge, my hand slides up his grey pyjama shirt and tweaks his nipple. This causes him to finally peek an eye open.

"This is an unusual way to say good morning Belly," he says amusedly in his deep, husky morning voice.

Morning voice. Wow. Butterflies.

"But I won't mind if you let me return the favour."

I slap his chest again, shuffling so I can try to get out of his iron grasp. "Unless you want an audience," I reply, motioning towards Mia, Grace and my grandma standing a few feet away.

His smirk drops abruptly and he freezes

As do I, but not entirely for the same reason. I think I may have done too much shuffling because there is now something undeniably harder than Lucas' abs pressed against the side of my stomach.

I promptly shove Lucas away, hard enough that he lets go of me and shoot back up into sitting position...only to be yanked back down onto him again.

"It's because it's the morning," he whispers in my ear. "And your grandma is standing right there so stay down! Please!"

I'm about to protest in retaliation when Mia clears her throat, snapping both mine and Lucas' attention onto her. Her lips quirk into a sly smile. "As much as I love to see you guys cuddling, Bella you need to get ready asap, we need to head out in 30 minuets."

"Head out?" I repeat, my eyebrows furrowed, my left cheek still mushed against Lucas. "Why?"

"We're going out with Sammy and his friend," Grace chides. "Ring a bell?"

"Oh right," I murmur in response. The blind date, Mia had told me about on Monday where she and Sammy had set me up with one of Sammy's friends.

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