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A/N a long jam packed chapter, get ready hehehehe (shit goes down)

Chapter 59 | Christmas P2


"Wow Isabella," she gushes, pulling away from our hug before raking her eyes up and down my body. "You look...different."

I don't miss the condescending tone in her voice and try not to react to her words as I plaster on a smile.

"You too!" I force my voice to take on a cherry tone before cocking my head to the side. "Did you get taller? And...bitchier?"

"Yes and yes!" She laughs like I've said the funniest thing in the world. "It's the lip fillers, they give me a resting bitch face!"

"Ah," I nod my head and raise an eyebrow. "And here I was thinking you got punched in the mouth for being fucking annoying." My smile and cheery voice drops as does hers, her eyes narrowing instantly.

"Dios mio! Girls!" My abuela, rushes over to us, prising me away from my cousin as we both glare at each other. "It's been five minuets stop it!"

"She started it!" Maria exclaims immaturely and I roll my eyes, muttering a series of curse words under my breath, as a raging headache already begins to form in my head just from her presence alone.

I am convinced that everyone has that one relative in their family. You know the one; the snake. The ones who cause drama and the one who everyone hates.

For me, that bitch relative (or should I say relatives) is my cousin; Maria Gonzalez...and her mom Sara Gonzalez.

Maria and I have never gotten along. Ever. She's always been rude and stuck up - her and her mother both.

As kids, she would steal my dolls, break my toys and surprise surprise, make fun of the way I look, kick me, punch me and scratch me when no one was looking. I was terrified of her and absolutely hated visiting her family. Her mom was my dad's bitch sister so Christmases were often spent at her home or she would come to mine vice versa. She lived in the next town over and her father being some top shot lawyer meant they lived in a huge fancy house, her also being an only child meant she was spoiled to bits. She got everything she wanted when she wanted it and threw a tantrum if she didn't get her way. Her mom, my aunt Sara, believed her daughter could do no wrong so her tormenting went unnoticed. Tia Sara, if possible, was even bitchier than her daughter; she treated my mom like absolute shit and the two of them believed they were wholly better than my family just because they had money and would use that as an excuse to belittle us in every possible way.

It was safe to say I hated them. I don't care if they were family - they were the shittiest people I knew.

"You know," Sara's disgustingly obnoxious voice begins, breaking me out of my thoughts. "When Maria told me that you guys were apparently back in town, I almost didn't believe her. I mean, I would think us being family and all would know if you guys moved back but I guess not..." she looks down and my mom who narrows her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest.

"We didn't want you guys to know we were back," my mother responds blatantly.

"We guessed," Maria rolls her eyes. "For the record, we didn't want you guys back either."

"So why are you here then?" I snap, throwing my hands into the air exasperatedly. "You've ruined Christmas, my mood, given me a migraine and you've only been here 30 seconds."

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