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Chapter 54 | Hospital


Bright light floods my vision as I slowly prise my eyes open, blinding me for a second. My mouth is dry and I feel hazy all over. There is a pounding in my temple that only heightens when I try to move my head.

Confusion rushes through me as I take in the unfamiliar setting and my mind stays cloudy with questions on why I'm here and how I got here.

I take in the sound of the machine beeping beside me and faint sound of someone speaking softly and another of someone crying.

...And then my mothers sobbing face comes into view and everything rushes back to me in an instant.

Being at the park. Seeing Leo. Feeling dizzy and then black dots taking over my vision.

I flit my eyes over to my grandmother who is sitting beside my mom and the defeated and disappointed look in her face causes my face to crumple and chest to constrict.

"I'm sorry," I manage to croak out, my voice barely above a whisper. I pull my trembling bottom lip into my mouth, biting down on it hard.

My mom stops her crying and dabs her eyes with a tissue and her pained expression causes the tightness in my chest to increase.

"I-I wasn't going to let it get this bad again-"

"Mija," my mother's gentle voice cuts me off, her eyes rimmed red as she pulls the tissue away from her face. "Why didn't you tell us?"

I let silence stretch across the room for a few beats before answering.

"You guys were...busy, I didn't want to be selfish and bombard you with my problems."

My grandmother scoffs before sniffling loudly. "Isabella stop with that crap," abuela's spanish accent comes off stronger seeing as she's mad. "We want you to get better, we want to help you and we cannot do that if you do not speak to us!"

"Ma," my mom interjects, placing a hand on my abuela's knee. My grandmother's face immediately softens and she lets out a sigh before leaning over and grasping my hand.

"It doesn't matter how busy you think we are, you come to us when you feel like this. When you're in a bad place okay? Don't suffer in silence."

I nod my head, the pounding only increasing.

Then there is then a knock at the door before it swings open to reveal a doctor. He's around my moms age, cropped brown hair and dark skin and he smiles when he sees that I'm awake.

"Hello Isabella," he greets, looking down at his clipboard. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," I nod, mustering up a small smile.

He nods in return before turning to my mom and grandmother. My mom immediately stands up and sticks her hand out. Her sad expression wilting away immediately.

"Valeria, Isabella's mother," she smiles her best smile as the doctor takes her hand in his and I snort. The doctor takes my mother's appearance in appreciatively, eyes grazing over her blouse and skirt combo. She was still in her work attire.

"Dr Smith." His smile broadens.

My grandmother clears her throat and my mom finally draws her eyes away from the doctor she clearly has the hots for before gesturing to abuela. "This is Isabella's grandmother."

"Hola," my grandmother simply says, lifting her hand up in a lame wave.

After the doctor says hello he turns back to my mom. He opens his mouth to say something but no words come out and both my abuela and I watch as the two of them continue to ogle each other once again.

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