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Chapter 30 | Where Isabella tells Lucas...almost


Exactly a week has gone by and I have yet to find out why Isabella has been ignoring me. Honestly, it's doing my head in trying to figure out why she is acting this way, especially because I have no fucking clue what I had even done or even if I had done something in the fucking first place.

"Why do you think she's ignoring me?" I ask the guys, voicing my thoughts. Dylan who is in the midst of shoving a burrito into his mouth merely shrugs.

"Have you tried asking Mia or Gracie, maybe they would know?" Aidan offers, looking up from over his phone from where he had been probably texting said Grace.

Since the two had begun dating, they have been attached to the hip, constantly together and when they weren't by each others side, they would be texting or calling non stop.

Yes, they were that couple.

As annoying (and sort of cute) as it was, I didn't actually mind trailing after Aidan when he was in search for Grace after lesson or during lunch, it meant that we were spending more time with the girls which also meant more time for me to continue to interrogate Isabella.

I don't think she was as pleased with that prospect as I was however.

I nod my head solemnly. "Yeah I asked but the two are as lost as I am."

Dylan finishes chewing his food before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand causing me to grimace. "Just keep pestering her, I'm sure she'll come around," he says. "Isabella isn't the type to hold grudges." He then looks up at Aidan for a split second and smirks and Aidan returns the gesture.

My eyebrows draw together in confusion. "What?" I ask flitting my eyes across the two of them. "Why are you guys giving each other weird looks?"

"Oh it's nothing." Aidan waves his hand dismissively. "I just think Dylan's idea on continuing to pester Bella is a good idea."

I narrow my eyes at him. "...Okay," I begin warily. "You guys gave me that same advice before already."

"And did it not work?" Dylan cocks an eyebrow before taking another bite of his burrito.

I pause. I mean it did kind of work last time. We did end up having that moment in the treehouse, so maybe the guys' tactic was sort of effective.

"Okay," I nod, letting out an exasperated breath. "I'll give your idea another shot."

"How about testing it out now?"


"Test it now," Aidan repeats nodding his head to something behind me. "Look they're over there." I turn around to see the three huddled around the water fountain near the canteen doors as Mia refills her bottle. "Come let's call them over."

Before I can protest, Aidan promptly stands up and rushes over the girls. I watch him swoop down to plant a kiss on Grace's lips and Isabella inch away from the two as they begin to make out ferociously. As Mia pulls way from the water fountain and begins screwing her water bottle shut, I wave over to the both of them, indicating that the two should come over here. Isabella avoids my gaze and acts like she hasn't seen me but Mia waves back and briskly loops her arm around Isabella and begins dragging her over to our table.

I can see Isabella muttering out in protest and trying to haul her arm away from Mia but it's no use, within seconds Mia has barged her way over to us and shoves Isabella onto the seat next to me.

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