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Chapter 49 | Snowmen


Dear Diary, today was Lucas's bday. He turned 10 years old, that is double digits! For his birthday someone bought him a skateboard, I think it was Mr William from down the road. Anyways, Lucas and Dylan and Aidan were testing it out today whilst me, Grace and Mia sat outside on the porch and ate birthday cake. I wanted to go up and join them but the boys were already fighting over who's turn it would be to ride the skateboard so I didn't bother. Also I might break the board if I stand on it. I want to learn how to skate. Ethan who is a senior and who lives next, next door from me and his high school buddies all skateboard together and sometimes we see them whizz pass my house. Mia says she is in love with Ethan. Speaking of love, I made Lucas a birthday card today using the special arts and crafts kit abuela bought me last week. With the card I also gave him cookies that I baked (all by myself, but ma helped with the oven) and Mr Bellucas too because he was sad that his parents never came home for his birthday. Grandpa Eddie brought Lucas to his house from his house which is on the other side of town so he could have a bday party in his garden. When I gave him my presents with the videogame my parents bought him and the sneakers my grandma got him, he gave me the biggest hug ever and his lips accidentally touched my cheek which means he kissed my cheek! Anyways that hug made me feel like I was floating. Okay bye, I've gtg mom is calling me downstairs! - Peace out, Bella :)

I shut the notebook closed, placing it onto my bedside table. That had been the last entry of Bella's diary that I had read a couple of hours ago, just before messaging her to see if she wanted to hang out tonight.

That was the entry that had told me she wanted to learn to skateboard when she was younger and the entry that urged me to text her so I could do just that.

Yes, I had re-found her diary. After the shambolic thanksgiving dinner, I had completely forgotten about the little purple notebook, I must've dropped it in my car when I was driving to Ivy's house or something because when I was cleaning my car out today - that's where I found it. In my car, under the passenger seat.

If I were to be honest, I wasn't going to read the diary...it just...happened. I may have felt a little bad for stealing it, especially after I had told Isabella I would stop prying for information...but my curiosity got the best of me.

I had planned on cleaning my car and house after coming back from brunch earlier today but after finding the purple notebook, I had completely abandoned my to-do list.

I was a curious guy and the diary was consuming all my thoughts, the sparkly purple cover teasing me to open it and take a little peek, so an hour after discovering the little notebook, I found my eyes skimming the scrawly handwriting of 10 year old Bella and sitting in the backseat of my car reading the different entries.

I read the first three pretty quickly, they were quite funny, nothing particularly informative, just talking about Bella's day and how she went to the cinema to watch Frozen with Mia and Grace, then her sleepover with the two girls and how she was dreading seeing Maria the day after...oh and a whole entry dedicated to how she absolutely adored my 'beautiful fluffy hair' - that was quite amusing.

After that however, I had been annoyingly disturbed by an urgent call from Dylan and Aidan telling me to hop on the PS4 because there had been an update on call of Duty and wanted me to play with them...so I had spent the next 6 hours on that.

Then, after eating, I had continued reading the diary. Although the next few didn't have much else interesting included in them either, I had concluded a couple of things from what I had read so far: Isabella had the fattest crush on me growing up, an explanation as to why she's been acting so odd around me since she has been back - because she is embarrassed of the crush and that I was an absolute dickhead of a child.

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