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Chapter 75 | Everyone knows something Isabella doesn't


"Mija wake up!"

I roll over and throw the covers over my head, nestling deeper into my pillow and ignoring whoever it is trying to wake me up. They continue to relentlessly shove me and prod me and yell my name but I groan and refuse to open up my eyes, inwardly cursing them for breaking my sleep and my dream that had been about Henry Cavill gloriously making out with me.

"Despierta! This is important!"

"Mfghfm." Is my response as I will myself to block out their frankly irritating voice and try and go back to sleep.

If you can't tell already; I've conditioned my alarm clock and 'time to wake up' to be the shrill sound of my phone ringing, this therefore means that any other way used to try and get me to awaken instantly fails.

So no matter how much shouting or stripping me of my covers or shaking that you'll do, I'll probably continue to refuse to wake up.

"Carino!" They sigh exasperatedly, before I hear shuffling and something being picked up from my bedside table. "I've got your phone. I'm unlocking it and am about to read your text messages-"

"I'm up! I'm up!"

Okay, maybe there is one other instance that'll get me to wake up.

I groan exasperatedly and very dramatically prise my eyes open, blinking a couple of times to clear my vision from the bright light streaming through the window that has taken over my sight momentarily.

My grandmother drops my phone back down onto the bedside table and stares down at me, a gleeful expression drawing its way onto her face.

"Why are you waking me up?" I lean up against the headboard and continue rubbing my eyes before running a hand through my knotty hair. "What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"10 o'clock."

"What?" My eyebrows draw together in confusion and I glance at the clock in my room for confirmation of the time. "10'o'clock?" I repeat. "Are you sure? Why is it not 6? Is Lucas okay?"

My mention of Lucas immediately causes a girly giggle to elicit from my grandma. "Ha!" She says, slapping my arm playfully, her grin widening and threatening to split her face into two. "Lucas is more than okay! Look what he hand delivered to you today!"

I glance down at her outstretched hand. "You got a looove note," abuela teases before pulling the little slip of paper out of reach when I try to grab it out of her hands.

"Did you read it?" I say with a raise of my eyebrow, my tone coming out a little more stern and defensive than intended.

"No," my grandmother shakes her head, her eccentric earing jingling as she does this motion. "Because Lucas gave me my own note if I promised not to snoop!"

My lips twitch in amusement. "He did?"

"Yeah!" Abeula nods her head excitedly. "Look let me read it!"

She reaches into the sleeve of her dress and pulls out a slip of white paper identical to mine and with a clear of her throat, begins reading out loud. "Abuela," my grandma begins, speaking in a voice that I think is her trying to sound like Lucas (she makes her voice several octaves lower and puts on a horrendous, thick American accent). "Your cooking is so delicious, I would eat a dead corpse if you seasoned it. You're also very funny and make me smile a lot...also I love your granddaughter so so so so so much, thank you for making Valeria who made Isabella. I will give Isabella lots of babies after I am a rich doctor so you can have many great grandbabies-"

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