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Chapter 8 | I can't bloody sleep


Thump. Thump. Thump.

Groaning aloud, I roll around the bed restlessly, covering my ears with my pillows as I try to cancel out the incredibly loud music blaring from outside.

Having been filled with nerves because tomorrow is my first day of school, I struggled to fall asleep all night and when I had finally dozed off, I was awoken only an hour later because of the bloody noise coming from outside.

Finally rolling out of bed, I decide that I've had enough. I go over to the window and peer outside, squinting my eyes so that I can see better and all my suspicions are correct as there is a party going on over at Lucas' house. A fucking party. On the night before the first day of school.

I shut my window, more aggressively than normal, and crawl back under the covers, muttering expletives under my breath. I close my eyes and try to re-fall back to sleep and go back to my dream of being on a date with Zayn Malik but it's no use; it's still noisy as hell and I'm sweating buckets because it's August and there is no AC in my room.

Before I can even apprehend what I'm doing, I storm out of my bed, shove on my slippers and run out into the landing. It's fairly quiet out here and it's no wonder that my grandma, mom and sister are still dead asleep because the sound hasn't travelled this far. I guess I'm the lucky one for having a room that's adjacent to Lucas' house (note the sarcasm).

I believe that the most logical thing would have been to just ask my mom or grandma if I could crash in their room to get away from the noise, but when you're half asleep, angry and filled with nerves for the day ahead you don't necessarily do the most sensible thing.

Instead, you storm over to your neighbours house, in nothing but your winnie the pooh pyjamas, with pimple cream on your face, drool on your chin and your hair pulled into two incredibly ugly French braids to give him a piece of your mind and somehow end a party that has at least 4 dozen people inside.

As I get to Lucas' house, I weave my way through the crowd of sweaty, drunk people, trying to locate where the bastard who has ruined my sleep is. I think I spot him sprawled across the sofa, head first and I march over there and yank him up by his hair. The guy, who is not, Lucas murmurs and I drop him back down, more frustrated than ever that I have yet not found him.

After searching through the hallway, the living room and the kitchen, I finally head out into the garden. I scour the backyard where people are shamelessly dry humping, passed out on the grass or smoking weed and doing god knows what else drugs before my eyes finally land on him.

He's amongst the people shamelessly dry humping on the other side of the garden, sprawled across a pool chair with a girl in his lap, who he's making out with. I only see a mass of strawberry blonde hair, not really taking much more notice of the girl because one, it's immensely dark outside and two because my eyes are narrowed and pointing daggers at my target. As I stalk over there, the girl in his lap is dragged off by another person and I double up my speed and stand in front of him.

"Lucas!" I scream at him over the blaring music. He swivels his head around trying to locate my voice and when his gaze meets mine a lazy grin crawls up his face. His lips are swollen, his hair is disheveled and his eyes are bloodshot.

Lucas is drunk out of his mind.

"Belly," he slurs, waving at me from where he is still lying down on the pool chair. "You came to my party!"

"No I did not," I seethe, putting my hands on my hips. "I came because you've ruined my sleep!"

He blinks at me slowly and I continue speaking.

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