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Chapter 26 | Confessions


"Okay remember the game plan!" Mia whispers in a hushed tone as we're huddled beside the lockers Monday morning.

Grace looks absolutely stricken with nerves, her hands are trembling and it looks like she's about to piss her pants.

"Gracie are you okay?" I ask, fairly worried about the state of my bestfriend.

She nods her head before wiping the perspiration from off of her forehead. "Yes," she gulps. "I need to do this."

"That's right baby," Mia smiles, resembling a proud mother. "Don't worry you got this!"

"Okay, look he's there," I tell them, glancing over Grace's shoulder at the three boys walking towards our lockers. "Remember what we went over."

She nods her head.

After kicking me out of the kitchen on Saturday morning, it had taken a while for Mia and Grace to calm down but once they had finally come around, we had spent the entire weekend getting ready for today. We had gotten cracking on a game plan and a script of what Grace would be telling Aidan and today was the day where it would all go down.

As the boys come closer, Grace stands up straight, still trembling with fear. I get on my tiptoes and quickly fix her bangs before patting her on the cheek. "It'll be okay sis," I tell her gently, the corners of my mouth lifting slightly in a small smile. "Remember stay calm and act nonchalant."

She nods again, pulling her lips into a thin line and letting out a shaky breath. She begins to walk over to them, almost stumbling over her own feet.

Okay...not a great start...but I'm sure it'll improve...right?

Dylan sees the two of us standing behind and briskly walks towards Mia and I, a large grin playing on his lips.

Swinging his arm around Mia he lets out a little chuckle. "Good morning my loves, how are you both on this fine mornin-"

"Shutup Dylan," Mia cuts him off, her eyes focused on Grace fidgeting on the spot, trying to get Aidan's attention as he's in conversation with Lucas.

"That dumbass," I huff as Lucas remains standing there, even after Aidan has stopped speaking to him, smiling brightly, completely oblivious that Grace wants to talk to Aidan in private and he's just intruding.

We try to catch his attention but it's no use. He just merely waves back at us before shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

The guy is thick in the head, I conclude. And with that thought I quickly make my way over to them.

"Hey B-" he begins but is cut off as I promptly grab him by the ear and drag him over to the lockers.

"Ouch what was that for," Lucas yelps, slapping my hand away.

"Shut it pendejo," I whisper-yell, smacking his chest. "Cant you see we're trying to listen to a conversation?"

"What conversa-oh that conversation."

Dylan also gets the hint and the three of us try and zero in onto the encounter happening a few feet away.

"What is it?" Aidan asks, his eyebrows furrowed, looking concerned. "Gray are you alrig-"


Oh. Okay...I guess she's staring head first.

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