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Chapter 33 | Food fight


It had now been weeks and I still hadn't figured out why she was avoiding me. WEEKS.

I had tried several, several times to try and get the girls to spill; from stalking them at lunch, to coming over to Isabella's house for dinner, to even crashing Aidan and Grace's double dates with Sammy and Mia, yet I had found out nothing. Nothing. Well, maybe except for that one piece of information Grace had let slip - the one about the fact I had supposedly 'changed' insinuating whatever I did, had been done a while ago.

Since the about 15th time coming over to dinner at Bella's house and finding her either not home or locked away in her room, I had given up trying to pry answers out of the girls, instead I had decided to give them all space which I guess Isabella had wanted in the first place anyways.

It had been about three weeks since then and thanksgiving was approaching. I had also noticed that Isabella begun slowly avoiding me less and less as the days dragged on, she still didn't willingly talk to me but she wouldn't go running in the opposite directions if I had come within a ten mile radius near her. As for Mia, she stopped wanting to attack me whenever I was near and her dirty looks got less and less venomous as time strolled on which was progress I guess.

Tomorrow was thanksgiving and my parents were yet again not going to come home, so abuela and Valeria had kindly invited me over to spend thanksgiving with the Quintero's.

I had no clue which country my parents were off to now; could be Australia or Antarctica for all I knew, I barely communicated with them when they were out for work, only to ask them to send money.

My parents would always send more cash than I would actually ask for and I would never feel bad on spending it on useless, expensive items such as buying myself, Dylan and Aidan our own ps4 each (and you bet I was going to buy us three the ps5 when it was set to come out). They parents couldn't care less what I spent the money on as for them, giving me extra cash was the way to make up for not coming home for my football games, birthdays, thanksgivings and sometimes even Christmases.

I shook away the thought and the tight knot in my chest and instead brought my attention onto the various types of flour I was standing in front of at the supermarket.

Abuela had asked me to pick up some ingredients for the number of pies she was making for thanksgiving dinner and I was so fucking excited.

Abuela was by far the best cook in the entire freaking world and I know for a fact that I would leave the Quintero home tomorrow 20 pounds heavier.

Once I've double checked the list abuela had sent me and my cart is full with a number of food items, I roll the shopping trolley towards the till. I wait in line before paying for the food and hauling the bags outside to stuff into the boot of my car.

Once that is secure, I pop into the drivers seat and begin driving back to the Quintero home, humming along to the One direction song that may have been blasting out of my speakers as I drive.

The drive isn't that long, about 15 minuetes and once I've parked the car, I haul the bags out of the boot and treck down the porch before knocking on the door, waiting for someone to open.

Abuela comes to the front door shortly after, wearing an apron that says 'best cook ever' which I quickly remember as a present I had gifted her a while ago which brings a small smile to my face.

"Ah mijo you're here!" She greets gleefully, ushering me into the home. As I step inside to the warmth of the Quintero home I'm met with the aroma of pumpkin spice and apple pie wafting in the air and my stomach rumbles immedietly.

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