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Chapter 46 | Lucas & Bella's sleepover



Unknown number

Just a heads up, I'm sleeping
over at your house today.


"Hey is everything alright?"

Lucas leans against the doorway leading into the living room, his duffel bag swung over one shoulder. Although he quirks the corner of his lips into a small smile, the solemn mood clouding over his features is unmissable. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well it's almost 1 am and you're at my house suddenly saying you're staying over and 5 minuets ago my grandma came to warn me to be nice to you when you come and she looked quite distraught which means something is definitely up."

"I just wanted to a sleepover with my bestie, isn't that what best friends do?" He chuckles softly in reply, down casting his eyes to the floor.

"Seriously Lucas what's up?" I ask, concern laced in my voice. He looks seriously troubled; I've never seen him in this way.

Ignoring me, he strolls over to where I am sitting on the rug on the living room floor, surrounding me an array of face masks, nail varnish and facial creams.

"What're you doing?" He asks, placing his bag beside the sofa.

I sigh and nod towards the TV, deciding to drop the subject. "Watching a K-drama and doing self care." I point to the charcoal face mask currently covering my face. "Wanna join? You look like you need a bit of relaxation."

"Sure." He nods and sits cross-legged on the floor beside me, picking up a sheet mask and look at the packet.

"What K-drama are you watching?"

"Crash landing on you, I have about 4 episodes left." (A/N don't comment any spoilers, i am still on episode 8 ;))

He gazes up and stares at the TV for a second. "What's it about?"

"It's about this rich, business lady from South Korea who, in a paragliding accident lands in North Korea and this soldier is hiding her out until she can go back home and they fall in love."


I smack him on the shoulder before getting up on my knees and shuffling towards him. "And what type of show isn't lame in your book then? Riverdale?" I tease, reaching up and gathering his brown locks into a little palm tree at the top of his head so the face mask doesn't get into his hair.

His hair is still a little stiff from the gel I'm presuming he had lathered on into his hair before the celebration dinner. Lucas is in fact still dressed in the white dress shirt and black slacks that he had worn to the restaurant and his fancy attire was sending a whirlwind of butterflies in my stomach.

I hear his breath hitch at our close proximity and I'm suddenly hyper aware that my chest is right in his face. Oh God, I'm not even wearing a bra.

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