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Chapter 3 | Karma failed me


For a moment after I wake up, I am filled with confusion. It takes a while for my brain to adjust to acknowledge where I am but the Harry Styles cardboard cut out looming over my bed is quick to jolt my memory.

Bright light floods into my room from the window and the sound of children laughing outside lets me know that it is certainly way past morning and I let out a big yawn before stretching out my arms and grabbing my phone from the bedside table where it is charging.

The clock on my lock screen tells me it's almost 3 in the afternoon.

Instead of immediately getting out of bed, I choose to nestle back into the covers for a little while longer. Draping the covers over my head to block out the light, I shut my eyes for a few minuets...that is until the rustling and the sound of chatter downstairs perks my attention.

Who could be here? The various number of voices are too many to belong to just my mom and grandmother and unless Sofia has miraculously learned how to formulate sentences then it must be other people who have come to visit. Other people who could be my two best friends Mia and Grace.

I scramble out of bed, curiosity getting the best of me, and make a beeline for my suitcase on the floor at the head of my bed, which clothes are spilling out of in every which way.

Searching through the pile of clothes, I pull out some grey sweats and an oversized black graphic tee that practically swallows my body up.

I rush to the bathroom across the hall, to do my skin care and brush my teeth before heading back to my room, pulling on a pair of white socks, brushing my hair and running down the stairs. I must have done all that in record time as when I check the clock, only been 10 minuets have passed.

As I reach the bottom of the staircase, all my suspicions are correct as I notice a head of long blonde hair before hearing an ear shattering scream and seeing Grace charging toward me. She scoops me into a big hug, lifting me from off the ground.

I giggle and wrap my arms around her tall frame before peeking over her shoulder and seeing Mia stumbling towards us. She attacks us with such a large force that the three of us tumble to the ground. I let out a small yelp and then a giggle as the weight of both Mia and Grace squashes me.

"Now that's what I like to see," a deep voice chuckles from behind us as both Mia and Grace scramble off of me.

"Shut it pervert," Mia says, patting down her dark hair.

I crane my neck to see who the deep voice belongs to, instantly freezing in my tracks.

The voice most certainly did not belong not the scrawny, 10 year old boy that I had left behind with a lanky demeanour and too many scabs on his knees from falling over too much. No, that boy is long gone.

This person who spoke is everything but a young boy.

He is tall and well built and very, undeniably attractive with gorgeous hazel eyes, a mop of dark, unruly hair and a jawline more structured that my entire life put together.

My mouth falls open in the upmost surprise and my eyes widen into saucers. I feel my breath catch in my throat and my heart begin to beat erratically, blood rushes to my cheeks and my neck begins to flame and I suddenly feel the urge to fan myself.

I don't know what I was expecting but it sure as hell wasn't that.

Fuck you karma! He was supposed to not be good looking.

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