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Chapter 39 | Corn dogs


"No Mr Miller today?" Mr Carter asks when Lucas' reply is absent as the register is called out. A murmur of 'no's' erupt from the class

"I think he's down with something," Merrissa, a girl sitting at the back of the room, responds.

Yep, he sure is down with something alright.

It's currently Friday and since our 'encounter' on Sunday night, Lucas hasn't made an appearance at school. Grace had heard from Aidan that he was skiving because he felt too embarrassed to face me but he had however been coming after school for practice seeing as their semi-final game was this evening.

It was better this way, things at the party had gotten too awkward. From seeing Lucas, well, from seeing all of Lucas, to my sleepy state almost making me expose things I most definitely did not want to reveal, I needed a little time before seeing him again.

The history lesson goes by in a daze, Mr Carter kindly puts on a documentary on the Cold War which I promptly sleep through and I find myself jolted awake by the bell that rings signifying the end of the lesson.

Grabbing my bag and rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I follow the rest of the class out of the room and into the jam-packed hallway where I meet Grace on the way to the canteen as she strolls out of Maths.

"Woo! Guess who just bunked study period to watch sweaty, yummilicious football players train for the game tonight," Mia gushes the moment Grace and I take a seat at our lunch table.

"Mia you have a boyfriend," Grace snorts, pulling off her backpack and placing it on the empty seat beside her. She begins to unzip her bag before pulling out a blue plastic box containing her lunch - peanut butter and jam sandwiches with the crusts removed and cut into little triangles. She pulls out the note written from her dad and quickly reads it before tucking it into the pocket of her jeans. John always made packed lunches for Lucy and Grace with little notes which had corny dad jokes written on, it was adorable.

Mia takes a bite of her apple as she shrugs. "Sammy was watching with me," she explains before turning to look at me with a knowing smirk. "Also Lucas came in for practice today."

I narrow my eyes at Mia's smug face. After I had told the girls about what went down Sunday night, the only part of the story the two imbeciles had thought was important had been the fact I had seen Lucas' penis. They hadn't stopped annoying me about it since.

I roll my eyes. "Lucky fucker," I huff. "He got to miss History, it was a drag."

"Didn't you just tell me you slept through the entire lesson though," Grace retorts, an eyebrow quirked.

I quirk an eyebrow back. "Yes because it was dragging."

"Anyways," Mia interjects just as I throw my crumpled up tissue at Grace's head. "The semi final game is tonight, what are ya'll wearing?"

Grace furrows her eyebrows confusedly. "Aidan's jersey of course what else?"

Mia tsks. "I mean what accessories and pants and stuff are you going to wear, because I have these really nice pair of shorts that will match Dylan's jersey really well."


"Mia those shorts are short enough to be worn as underwear."

"Exactly," my best friend beams, twisting her body around so she can peer at her ass. "They're the perfect length and make my ass look fat."

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