How they propose: Candyman

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Now, Daniel was alive in a time where dating (or more commonly know as courting back then), was taken very seriously, marriage included. So he waited 1½ years beofre asking you. He had to know you were the one before asking you.

He already felt weird about sex beofre marriage, but he got used to that, but he still knew that marriage was a big step, for both of you.

"Y/n, darling." He started, "I know that this relationship was...different. In my time, forbidden. But I refuse to let my ways stop me from loving you! I want to be with you forever. You are my past, present, and future. So please, make me the happiest person to live," he paused taking a deep, unneeded breath. "And marry me?"

You gasped. "Oh Daniel!" You cried pulling him into a tight hug. "Yes!" He let out a breathy laugh and slipped on an old looking engagement ring, with a simple round diamond. "Its beautiful." You whispered. "It was my mother's. I had it on my when I died, it was the only thing i had left of her, after she and myself were separated at an auction. It was the last memory I have of her, but the only thing I have of her. And I want you to have it." He smiled leaving a small kiss on the ring. "I'll never take it off. I swear."

"We have planning to do." He said after the moment.
"That's right. You planned almost immediately after proposing to someone!" You goggled. "Yes, well. I want you to be mine as soon as possiblem" he laughed. "Well then, we better start planning!"

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