his Covid response

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Lockdown time! Now you CAN'T leave him! Your classes are online now so he can be with you in school. And now he can eat you out in school! (Its one of his fantasies.)
Will make you masks. They all have hospital masks sewn into them for extra safety. No family visits. No friend visits. Nothing. Only you and him. Hand sanitizer is at every entry point. He makes sure everything is safe for you.


He will take all stops. But he wont put you on lock down, since the camp is in lock down, you don't have to be on a 'lock down' unless you leave the camp, then you're on a lock down.
Pamela makes both of my masks, and let's you and Jason start cooking more, trying to make new foods. He try's to go swimming. Hes okay in the shallow water but he won't go deeper than waist length, and not with out you latching onto him, with plenty of encouragement.. and floaties. (Just to be safe don't even laugh.) 


Since your 21 in 1960, you'd both be well into your 80's when Covid hit. Great Grandparents by then. So you two are more at risk than anyone, but you both are still able to take care of yourself and walk around, but still at risk. So you both were masks and use hand sanitizer. You wash hands. Everything. 
(And by now you both live in a small cottage And no visitors until there is a vaccine of some sort.)

Billy and Stu

You guys were parents. And In your 30's. You oldest was 24 and your youngest was 16. So all of you knew what was happening and were aware. All stops were taken. Masks, hand washing, hand sanitizer, online school, going on lockdown. 
It was hard for you and your kids to comprehend what was happening but it grew easier with time.


Once again you both were in your 80's. And living together, still running your motel that did close in the beginning, but you managed. And once the vaccine was out, you reopened allowing your family to help you run the motel. 


You're in space. Away from the virus. The most he will do is take your family off earth to keep them safe, and even then you didn't leave the ship. He's not risking anything that comes to your health.


Instant lockdown. He just...doesn't let you leave your bedroom anymore. It's kinda nice.

Daddy Hannibal 😳

Once again you aren't aloud to leave your bedroom. But since he only does virtual work now he gets to see you more often and you get to have more sex. And have time to explore more of your kinks together. Its great.
But if you try to leave your bedroom this is how the conversation will go:

"Little Lamb why are you out of bed?"
"My legs fell asleep and I'm hungry.."
"Don't point little one. Now, go rest. I can only imagine how sore you are after last night. I was quite rough."
"Mmmmmm you were. It was hot. But fine. I'll go lay back down. Will you bring me some chicken pot pie?"

"Of course dearest. But daddy needs his food more urgently than you. Wouldn't you agree."

"A-ah~. Y-yes you do. Come in. I have your favorite~."


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