Michael Myers x Male! reader: Seperation Anxiety

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Michael would deny he loved to cuddle if anyone asked. The 6'7" man was tall to say the least. Having to crouch down to go through doorways wasn't fun.
And he always excused his lack of cuddling as 'It'll be awkward, with how long my arms and legs are'

But that all was bullshit. Michael loved holding you. He was almost always holding your smaller frame. When you were making breakfast. Hugs from behind.
When you got home from school or work. He close and lock the door before grabbing you and holding like a baby, for hours on end.
And when he is holding you, you'd laugh and try to push him away, failing miserably. Hed chuckled and push you into his chest holding you tighter.

Michael eventually would come clean. You are his reason for staying and his sanity. And he always feels like you're leaving him when you go out.
You had always thought maybe it was a chance, but now your thoughts were proven correct.

"Michael." You paused sitting up from his chest, staring at him. "You have separation anxiety." Hed immediately try and deny it, but with some research he caved and agreed with your conclusion, somewhat ashamed.

You would notice, obviously, and make him stand up and let you go.
He tilted his head watching you lay down on the couch.
"Come cuddle. You can be the big spoon?" You asked with open arms.
He'd smile under his mask and lay next you, holding you tightly against his chest.

The two of you eventually fell asleep and awoke to your doorbell ringing frantically.
You got up and promised Michael more cuddles before walking away.

When you opened the door, there stood Dr. Sartain gun in hand. "Dr!" You yelped when he knocked you down. "Stay down. Michael is here. And hes very dangerous." He frantically whispered.
You almost cracked a smile, but you were still too deep in your sleepy gaze to care. "Michael isn't dangerous." You assured getting up and heading to Michael who was now in the doorway, completely relaxed and unarmed. His maks off, allowing both of you to see the sleepy smile painting his face.

You made grabby hands and he let out a small laugh, making the doctor gape.
He picked you up, like a baby, allowing you to nuzzle into his neck. "Mmmm my prince..why dont you go upstairs. I need to handle him, okay?" He whispered, making the doctor gape more.
You nodded and whispered back a 'be quick. I may get lonley.'
You both smiled and shared a quick kiss before you you ran upstairs to change and lay in bed.

Michael's demeanor changed immediately. He glared at the now unarmed doctor. Said doctor ran out the door, with a following serial killer.

Sartain tried to keep Michael away from him, throwing branches his way, but inevitably tripped on an unseen tree root.

Michael put his fot on the doctors back and put pressure on him.
Sartain groaned and withered underneath him in pain.
A sick grin found itsway onto the killer's face as he grabbed the old man by his hair and slammed his body into the tree. Over and over again.
The doctor, now nearly dead coughed up more blood. "Please...say something." Michael didn't speak. He ONLY spoke for his sweet prince, who was waiting for him.
Instead Michael brought up his up, and down quickly with as much force as possible, shattering the doctors skull and mushing his brain into the ground.

Michael, arrived home, covered in blood. He stripped in the laundry room and walked up the stairs.
He opened the bedroom door, just now hearing the shower running. Knowing he was caked in blood he walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. "Hello my prince." He cooed rubbing your sides. You smiled and craned your neck upwards to get a kiss.

Michael met his boyfriend a part of the way down, gladly kissing his lover.
As the time ticked away, the kiss became more heated.
The smaller male let out a small moan, which made his lover pull away.

Michael let out a groan. His now hard member was rubbing against the member of his boyfriends. "Michael..please.." you begged jumping up and wrapping you legs around his waist. "Who am I to deny my sweet prince?" He asked turning off the shower. (I'm bad at smut so I'll just skip all that. Sorry if you wanted smut :(  )

Michael sighed happily, his lover was curled up in his arms, laying in a strategic way so his bottom, which was a vibrant red, wouldn't hurt from the pressure. "I love you. My knight in shining armour." You mumbled quietly, beofre slipping off to dream land

If you asked Michael of he liked to cuddle he'd grin and nod. "But only if I'm cuddling my prince." He would explain. "It makes me feel like they'll always be there. Like they won't leave." His happy smile wouldn't leave. Never ever. Not with you around.

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