Hes insecure- Dr.Lector

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QUICK NOTE: I'm using the backstory of Hannibal lector from the books and older movies, but I'm still using Hannibal from the TV show [which was canceled in 2015]. So keep that in mind as you read this!)

Hannibal has a lot of trauma, and due to that trauma he has built up walls.  Walls he doesn't let any light shine through in. Walls he doesn't let anyone see through. Even you. Because no matter how much he loves you, he still just a scared little boy, who watched NAZIS kill and eat his sister. And not only that he was forced to eat the remains of his sister.

So with all that in mind, there is a lot going on in his head.  But he just ignores it and pushes the thoughts aside, and continues to go about his day. 

But one day he just couldn't. 

It was one of his rare days off, and he was in his study, reading a new book. But couldn't focus on said book, he was just so scared you'd hurt yourself. 
Giving in, he set his book down and walked silently out of his study. 

You had decided to make some lunch, it was something simple, just a turkey club wrap. "There you are." A happy voice cooed. Feeling your boyfriends arms wrapping around your waist you leaned your head back. "Hello there handsome, I made a wrap for lunch, would you like one?" You asked raising a delicate hand to stroke his cheek. "What kind bunny?" You blushed and turned in his arms, facing his face which had a knowing smirk. "Turkey club. I went out to that farmers market with my mom the other day, got the turkey there." He nodded, and started the mental debate. He thought of making his own. But you liked to take care of him. "If you don't mind?" You lit up and nodded wiggling out of his grip.

Hannibal watched with a fond smile as you whipped around the large kitchen getting out the ingredients. 

But was suddenly queasy when you pulled out a tomato and avocado. "Do you want me to do that love?" He asked striding over to you and gently grasping the knife in his large calloused hand.  "No I got it! You sit there and look handsome!" You laughed and pointed to the chair he sat in. 

He shook his head and refused to give the knife back. "No no I insist." You gave him a funny look. "Baby, I love you, but I want to take care of you." With a loud sigh he gave up and handed you the knife back. "But stay there really quick, I'm too scared to get the pit out of the avocado." He snigger quietly and watched you slice open the creamy green fruit. "Here take out the pit for me."  He took the knife and raised it up and struck the pit twisting it and pulling it out expertly.

"Thank you! Okay now you go sit down! I just need to slice these." You motioned to the fruits laying in front of you. 

You placed the wrap in front of the blonde man who watching you.  Standing up he examined your hands, looking for any form of injury. "I'm fine, just eat your food! I worked hard on it!" You insisted  walking over to the counter and grabbing your wrap.

"Hey Hannibal, I just realized that I don't know much about anything about your childhood." He tensed. "I knew this day would come. Darling I'm not ready to tell you about that." You sunk down. "I know but I just want to know one thing like, where you grew up, did you have any siblings?" Suddenly infuriated he stood up and snapped. "Shut up! You don't need to know anything!" 

Fear overtook you, and out of reflexes you grabbed your food and ran away. Tears falling from you eyes.

Hannibal ate in angry silence, for a few minutes anyways. Mischa wouldn't want to him to be like this. She would want him to be open and happy with his love. 

Running around the house with loud steps, he knew you could hear him. So he decided to slow down and listen for you.

Walking into your shared bedroom he could hear your whimpers. "Darling please come out. I'm so so sorry. I-" He couldn't finish his sentence when you crawled out from the closet. "Oh babygirl," He sighed scooping your shaking body into his firm grasp.

You didn't talk till you were fully calmed down. It was only an hour and a half but he had never yelled at you before. Ever. "Why did you yell?" You quietly spoke into his chest. "My past is very dark. But I can tell some things about me, if you'd like?" He asked rubbing your back. "Please?" 

Taking a deep breath, he started "I was born in Lithuania, in 1933 and I had a younger sister Mischa. She was one of the few people I would ever come to truly love. And yes you are included in that small group." You giggled quietly "My parents and I adored her, and I spent all my time protecting her, but all good things must come to an end." He bitterly spat, glaring at the ceiling. "In 1944 we were captured by a group of Nazis, and they starved us for months on end. And one day they pulled Mischa away from me and that was the last I saw her.  A few hours after they took her away from me, I brought food scraps. I ate them quickly not even think of saving them for Mischa. But I was tormented to find that they made me eat her. They killed her." He sobbed into your hair. 

"Oh baby.." You whispered, just letting him hold you close and rock the two of you back and forth. 

"Thank you for telling me. You're so brave, I'm really proud of you." he nodded allowing you to wipe his tear, which had started to dry.  "Thank you for listening, maybe one day I could tell you more?" You nodded. "Yeah." You murmured. "Maybe one day." 

I know that Hannibal wasn't insecure, like the others had been, but I think this suits his character better.

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