Them on your birthday:

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Michael Myers:
He let's you sleep in and manages to make scrambled eggs and toast without burning down the house. Then he'll wake you up with breakfast in bed and flat out refuse to let you feed yourself. Then he picks out matching outfits for the both of you to wear. 
And then it's off to do whatever you wanna do. Usually you'll go antiquing something he's come to live (he likes to the glass birbs), and then for lunch the both of you will go to a local bakery to get lunch then go the lake and feed the swans. 

After a day out you unpack the antiques and put away the baked goods you took home, you'll watch a cheesy rom-com to end it off, tucked in his arms. 

Jason Voorhees:
He dedicates the while day to you. He ignores the trespassers the best he can. He gives you a spa day. Facials, massages, the whole nine yards. Jason loves to pamper you so he fills your table with homemade gifts. And after gifts its food time! All your favorites are made, and enjoyed. 

Just so many cuddles. He only leaves your bed to get food that was dropped off the two of you. You read to him as he absently rubs your sides, or he tickles you to what is essentially death. But no matter what the two of you are doing, you're having a good time.

Billy and Stu try to cook dinner, but fail miserably, so they order some pizza and garlic knots. They'll feed you and coo at you when you get sauce all over your face. They order you a cake from a local shop and enjoy a little alone time with you before Randy arrives with gifts. (He does get 2-3 slices save for him don't worry. You don't forget Randy.) 

Randy likes to save up to buy big gifts. (He once bought you a perfume bottle that was $200. But this year he took up knitting so he made you a hat) While your boyfriends buy you smaller more sentimental gifts. (I have no idea what's sentimental to you so you can just make up something like that :)  )

Norman Bates:
He wont let you work. At all. No (Y/n) you cannot wash the bedsheets! You have an appointment at that new fancy spa anyways! 

He knows you need to relax sometimes, and he remembers you saying you love going to spas to relax. So he got you an appointment there, and after he takes you to the aquarium to admire the fishies 

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