How they propose: Mikey

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Michael at heart is a hopeless romantic, so he took you to a field you used to visit as kids and play in. But this time he set up a picnic with pillows and blankets for stargazing later on.

While you were stargazing he sat up and turned to you. "Honey, can we talk?" Now you're one to assume the worst you internally panicked but in the outside played it cool. "Yeah?" He took off his mask and ran his fingers through his, which now fell just past his shoulders (He didn't like how long it was before so he got it cut a little)

"I am completely and utterly in love with you. And at first that scared me. I was so scared that you'd be like everyone else and run away screaming. But you didn't. You hugged me. I spent 15 years being poked and prodded at, and treated like a lab rat. Shown no real emotions. So I closed myself off. But when you visited and smiled me and hugged me, something in me....clicked. I knew then and there that you were the going to be the only one to show me emotion. To show me you cared. Because I knew that the doctors there wouldn't do that. They just wanted to make a quick buck. But the best thing about being with you is, I'm happy. I thought I'd never be happy again, and I'd die and be marked as the  serial killer who was blank. But you make me better. So much better. And I want you to continue making me better. So please..."

He paused and pulled out a small black velvet box. He opened it to reveal a silver engagement ring. I gaped as he sheepishly smiled at me.

"Marry me?"

"Yes!" You cried throwing him in a hug. He laughed an depressed his lips against yours. You kissed back and helped him slip on the ring. "Promise me you'll never take it off." He whispered. "Cross my heart and hope to die."

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