The aftermath:

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Michael Myers:
You hadn't been tortured or anything, but you had been given warm tap water and gray mush to eat for three meals. So you were quite happy to be able to eat actual food again. You guzzled down your drinks and inhaled your snacks, and then passed out clutching Michaels hand to your face as a pillow. 

Michael cooed and caressed your face, the whole way there. 

Once you got home he carried you in and laid you down in your shared bed, laying down behind you he wrapped his arms around you, spooning you.

When you woke up Michael was staring down at you a goofy smile on his face. "Are you hungry dear?" You nodded sitting up "Can we get... Chicken Masala? OH! And fried , I'm really hungry and-" He cut you off. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, you're hungry. And I'm gonna feed you. Okay?" He laughed shaking his head, booping your nose. "Okay.. Oh! Do we still have that good cider?" He nodded. "Like half a bottle, you want some?" You nodded, standing up and streching, Michael following suite. 

Michael called the places and placed the orders, as you put  a glass in the fridge. "Do you want some cider? I'm chilling a glass!" He politely declined and pulled his card out.

Jason Voorhees:
You were scared to say the least. You had only been existing on Jason's shirts or jackets, desperate to feel modest. "Jay?" You asked him, from the opposite side to the couch. He turned to you. "Will you hold me?" He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around you, and stroked your hair. "I'm sorry I'm so scared.." He shook his head. "Don't be. It's okay to be scared. I will never be mad at you for being scared about anything." He cooed running his fingers through your hair, his nails scraping at you scalp.

"Hey Jay?" He hummed. "Can you stay with me tonight, the nightmares.." He nodded. "Of course." 

Bubba had been extra clingy after that incident. "Bubba, baby. Please, Hoyt isn't bringing anyone home tonight. So please let me down into the Kitchen." You begged, as he huffed and shook his head. "Please! You come with me, I just want to spend time with Nubbins!" You begged, making him cave. 

"How did you do it?" Nubbins giggled pointing to Bubba. "I had to beg." You answered with a shrug.


The boys explained they would have to tie you back up and make it look like you had no idea who killed the guy. They retied you up, blindfolded you, and put the gag back in your mouth. "We'll call an anonymous tip in. Remember we love you, and we'll be at Stu's house." They kissed your temple and you heard the door slam shut.  

About 45 minutes later the door was burst open footsteps and muddled voices were hurrying around. You were untied from the chair, that gag and blindfold were removed shortly after. 
EMT had done a look over at you declared you were fine, after you were given the okay you were questioned, just saying you heard screaming and thumping, and then nothing. 

After that you were escorted to your parents who were at Stu's house. 

After a long reunion with your family and Stu's family. You were finally alone with your boys. "Thanks for saving me guys..'' 

"Of course baby."

The only thing that happened to you per say was the immediate fear that they would kill you. But that faded with time.

Norman drove you both home, letting you curl up in his side. 
Once home he woke you gently and sat you down while he went to tell his mother you were home, and she came rushing down to check you over for injuries, finding a bruise on your shoulder. "Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay!" She cried hugging you tightly. "I'm okay Norma, I promise. Just shaken up. I swear I'll talk to you about in anything that does come up.  I just want to change and shower. And cuddle with Norman, and forget about this."  

She hesitantly went upstairs and let Norman come back down and cooked inner while you showered and changed. 

The night ended with you both fast asleep on the couch.

You didn't have anything happen to you other than nigh mares about what would happen if Norman wouldn't have saved you. 

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