Handling Separation:

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Michael Myers:
You managed to convince your guardian(s) that Michael wouldn't hurt you. So they took you every Saturday to eat lunch with him, every Sunday for breakfast and the rest of the week you met to eat dinner with him. Your guardian(s) made every meal for the two of you to share. But that of course changed when he stabbed that nurse, who had snatched the picture of you two on your 9th birthday.

The separation was hard for you to handle you only had Michael to rant to or call late at night. You dove into your studies, and became labeled as the "nerdy girl". This also made you realize had attached you were to Michael, so you decided to write letters to him. 

Michael got and responded to your letters as frequently as he was allowed, and he only talked about you, for a few months, before he decided that you were the only one worthy of hearing his voice. So he stopped talking. 

Jason Voorhees:

You closed yourself off, and cried for months and months. And your family was almost forced to believe in medicine and take you to the doctor and get you into therapy.

All the while Jason was stuck at the bottom of the lake hoping you and his mother were okay.

It had been 2 weeks since you were locked in his room. Eventually deciding to jump out of his window and hitching a ride up to Maine, back home. It was a long drive with very nice couples who drove you into the city of Main where your moms apartment was.  

After reconnecting with Billy and getting to know Stu, who were very affectionate by the way, you mother dragged you away to Florida claiming your dad was a 'dirty scumbag' you were staying with her new boyfriend who was incredibly creepy and was defiantly on nose candy most of the time. You called Billy and most of the time you were away along with Stu.

The boys seemed to snap killing Casey Becker and Steve, unable to handle your fear and the fact that they couldn't protect you from the creepy guy.

You on the other hand were locked in the closet hiding from your mother and her boyfriend on the phone with either your father or the boys. But mostly doing school work or cooking for the shitbags you were stuck with.

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