You come back- All in one

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You had been for a month and a half, and all you could do is think about them. Their eyes and how they crinkle when they smile. Their laugh, and how their shoulders shake when they laugh, and if you get them to laugh hard enough they snort. 

With a sigh you pulled out your phone and dialed the number of the little old lady who was letting you rent out this place. "Hello there dear! How can I help you?" You looked up at the portrait of her cocker spaniel with some sort of mutt, the little gold plating glistened in the sunlight. "Dear?" She asked, snapping you out of your daydream. "Uh, sorry! I'm just ready to go home. I just really miss my partner." You spoke looking at the plate. 'Lady and the Tramp-1909 to 1921'  It read, she really did love that dog. "Oh I understand, back when Jim dear and I would fight I would stay with my mother and I could never stay longer than a night. Alright honey just send me the payment for this month when you get home and you're all set. Have a good day honey." I smiled. "Of course miss. You too." We hung up and I quickly packed up and pulled out all my leftovers and put them in a plastic bag. I slipped on a pair of flip flops and walked briskly to my car. 

Placing my things into my car, I slammed the door closed, and ran to the drivers side, and getting in. 
As soon as the door was shut, the car was on and in reverse. I didn't even put my seatbelt on, or worry about being pulled over, you just had to get home. 

Pulling into your home you could tell they weren't home, so you pulled your car to the send of the street and jogged home. 

Quietly entering, you could see all the dirty dishes and trash filling the house. "Alright, time to clean up." You whispered, as you roamed the house. The house was filthy and dusty, making you sneeze loudly. 

Putting your suitcase on the bed you started to grab the bowls plates silverware and cups from the bedroom. You slowly  went downstairs to put the dishes on the counter. Checking the living room, basement, attic, and bathrooms, for more dishes you were happy to find the rooms without dishes in them were the bathrooms. 

Once all the dishes were on the counter tops it finally clicked how much work you had cut out for you. "thank god I begged for that bigger dishwasher." You sighed loading up the dishwasher, and starting it up. "Okay, lets hope we have lots of dish soap." 

By the time the first load had been finished you had managed to get most of the plates cleaned and put away. Putting away the first load, you now noticed the pain in your back. "Okay, I can do this." You hyped yourself up, stretching your back. Pushing on you loaded and started  the dishwasher, and continued to wash the dishes that couldn't fit. 

Your love had heard clattering from the kitchen. Someone was here. Someone who they were hoping was you. Silently padding into the kitchen, they gaped, there you were scrubbing away at the dishes he had left around. Even with your back problems. "Sit down and rest please?" they whispered, making you turn around and throw your arms around them. "Welcome home sweetness." They kissed your forehead, the kiss lingering. "Thank you, I'm- I'm really sorry about not resting but all the dishes were bothering me, and-" You stopped and sighed. "Ya know?" They nodded nd set you down. "You sit down, I'll wash the dishes. It is my mess after all." You groaned but complied. 

You sat in silence as your lover washed and put away the dishes. "Okay, now that that's done we need to sweep, mop, clean the windows, and dust. I'll sweep and mop, since the only time I'll need to bend down when I'm. Deal?" They nodded and let you grab the broom, mop and duster. 

Once the house was clean again the two of you curled up on the couch. "I missed you. You were all i was thinking about. Even If I was with my parents or my friends. I just missed you so much." You mumbled. "I honestly contemplated stalking you, or calling you, but I didn't because I knew that you didn't want that. And I knew It would add to the stress of the relationship. I'm just so happy to have you back in my arms." You giggled playing with the ends of their hair. "I missed this. Us. Ya know I stole some of your perfume/cologne to spray on my pillows?" They giggled and pulled you closer. 

In your moment of peace you both were slowly lulled off the sleep, holding onto each other tightly, as if the other would disappear.  

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