They accidentally hurts you

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*A victim had grabbed you and used you as a shield
*He was in a blind rage and stabbed into your thigh, through the victims
*The victim fell to the floor and ran away
*Michael was immediately concerned
*He ran and wrapped up your leg
*He apologized and laid you down
*he then stalked off and killed the victim who dared make him hurt his angel
*He came back and cuddled with you for a few days and carried you around until your leg was healed
*He still hasn't stopped apologizing


*That gutl was flirting with you when you found out you were pregnant had a sister
*And she was looking for her sister.
*She saw you who was still pregnant at this point and pulled out her knife l, pointing it at your stomach
*She threatened to kill you if you didn't tell her
*Of course Jason was watching and he sprung into action
*Silently and quickly he slashed her in half.
*His machete ever so gently slashed into your fore arm.
*her torso slid down from the angel Jason had slashed
*He threw her body into the lake and immediately picked you up and sprinted you into your shared cabin.
*The cut wasn't even deep enough to leave a scar
*But he was still worried as hell
*He wrapped your arm up tightly with gauze

Baby boy

*Tex was visiting and he was quite the flirt
*Bubba was not okay with that
*you were constantly in his lap curled up
*He kept a tight grip on your torso
*And one day, his grip was especially tight
*You didn't say anything, but tried to wiggle out of your uncomfortable position
*Bubba didn't budge, but did loosen his grip slightly
*You shifted and culed up fetal position in his arms l, ignoring the constant flirty remarks or Tex
*That night you were changing into a  white silk camisole to go to sleep in
*Bubba walked in and saw you examining the bruising marks he made earlier
*He whimpered and lightly ran his fingers over the forming bruises
*You whimpered ever so slightly and he broke down in tears
*He sobbed for hours, you calmed him down and told him it was okay, and was a mistake

Billy and Stewart

*T'was a Ghostface killing
*You had convinced the two you could help them
*And Billy ended up being stabbed in the arm
*So while Stu was killing the victim Billy tensing to you
*They took you to the hospital and got fixed up


*it was actually Marians sister
*Marians sister was enraged finding out what happened to her
*In a pure blind rage she pulled a gun out on Norma, who was helping you clean the office
*When she shot at Norma you jumped in front of her
*She gasped and watched as you took a bullet to the lower torso
*Norma lunged at her and beat her with her own gun
*You were bleeding out very quickly
*Norman came out and threw off the wig and dress

He sped to the hospital
*you survived with no major injuries but were hospitalized for about a week

Candyman, Yautja, and Creepers

*lol you thought they'd hurt you
*These three are aware how strong you are aware how strong they are
*They know to be careful


*He was railing you and had pushed your legs back too far
*He ended up pulling some muscles in your leg
*You said the safe word (which is just red lol) and he stopped
*You told him and he apologized
*but he was still hard
*So he continued but was very gentle, something that happened very rarely


*She was topping that night and was being very intense
*She pulled the muscles in your back that night
*You said nothing becuase you didn't feel it at the moment
*The next morning John woke you up for breakfast
*You groaned when you sat up and complained about your back
*He gave you some ice and let you rest
*Amanda was worried and started to cry
*she hated to hurt you in any way
*you assured her that you'd be fine
*back runs

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