The Fateful Day: 104th Cadet Corps

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The first day of training was much harder than it should have been, and it all began when our instructor, ex-commander of the Survey Corps Keith Sadies made us line up.

I remember Sadies from two years ago, sometime before Shiganshina fell. The Scouts, beaten, returned from Titan territory in the city, the citizens watching as if it was an important ceremony. My father was present, and he recalled the ex-commander breaking down in front of a mother of a fallen Scout, telling her how much of a failure he has been.

Now here he is, ready to make failures of us. Sadies walks between the second and third line of recruits, staring down on them like a disgusting meal. That's until he chooses his next prey. "Hey, mop-top!"

Armin stands erect, placing his right fist over his heart, his left arm behind him. "Sir!"

"What do they call you, maggot?"

"Armin Arlelt, from Shiganshina, sir!"

"Wow, seriously? Why would your parents curse you with such a dumb name?"

While I am several spots away from my friend and he definitely does not hear my thoughts, I advise him in my head. Do not take offense to anything he says Armin. He does not actually mean it...I think.

"It was my grandfather, sir!"

Sadies leans in Armin's face. "Cadet Arlelt! Why is a runt like you here?"

"To help humanity overcome the Titans!"

Sadies stands up, my peripheral vision unable to decipher his emotions. "That is delightful to hear! You're going to be a great light snack for them!" He puts his hand on Armin's head, turning him 180 degrees. "Row three, about face, runt!" I quickly shift my eyes in Armin's direction, noticing that he looks like a puppy who just shitted on itself. Sadies has that aura, I tell you.

Sadies steps up to another blond, though his hair is short. "What do you call yourself?"

The boy, although audible from my position, is soft-spoken. "Sir. My name is Thomas Wagner, I'm from Trost District!"

Sadies did not like soft-spoken. "I can't hear you!"

Thomas, embarrassed, raises his tone. "I'm from Trost, sir, my name is Thomas-"

"Shut up! Nobody cares! Next!"

I tune out Sadies for a moment, looking around (with my eyes) for Eren and Mikasa. If Sadies is going for the vulnerable, he's going to skip Mikasa, but Eren...Eren might say something stupid.

"What do we have over here?"

Sadies found himself a fresh target with an indescribable color of hair. He's a little above my height, but from when he first speaks, which for our age is remarkable. "Jean Kirschtein, sir. From the Trost District!"

"And why are you here, cadet?"

Jean so confidently states "To join the Military Police, sir. The best of the best."

The wimpiest of the wimpiest. I have no issue with those who choose to join the Military Police. It is a fine job. The safest of the three branches. But the reasoning behind it (as Sadies would ask of Jean, "That's nice, you want to live in the Interior, do you?") puts a bad taste in my mouth. At least the Garrison has the balls (less than the Scouts, to compare) to combine living in the comforts of the Wall with the interaction of Titans, but the Interior Police live within Sina, not Maria (no more) or Rose. The chances Titans ever get to Sina is very low, though with Maria fallen those chances only rise if Rose falls.

"Yes! Augh!" Jean kneels on the ground, holding his head. Sadies just headbutted him, and if there is was an insult to the injury, Sadies provided it.

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