Chapter 17: Fireworks

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Levi, Hanji, and Erwin

Levi's POV

Before the Fireworks...

"Hanji!!!" I shout as I stomped into her room. My stash was stolen, I know it was Hanji. Who else could've stolen them? Her! "Hanji! Where are you!" I shout, but no such luck.

Turning on the lights, I realized that she was gone. Her bed was neatly made, from yesterday morning... she never slept last night. Rolling my eyes, I had to make it quick. I searched every drawer, even going into her personal one. If I was her, I would hide it in a place where I would never touch it.

Quickly surveying her private drawers, I left with a blush on my face. And, the one place that haunted my mind was the one place where we hide our secrets... and my worst fear. Turning slowly towards the bed, I stared at the dark abyss underneath.

"I can do it... just gonna find my cravats and I'm done with this room." Muttering to myself as I gather the courage to go under and into the dusty lairs.

With one swift swing, I managed to get a box, dusty. There was no way that it held my cravats in them... I always dusted my stuff, and there shouldn't be that much dust on there... but then again... curiosity killed the cat.

To protect my spirit animal, as Hanji puts it, I opened the box. With one gaze, I immediately regretted seeing those books... manga as Hanji calls it. But those... weren't ordinary-

"Levi!" I hear her voice echoing as she shouts. Her footsteps rushing up the stairs. I was paralyzed, surprised to see what Hanji hid under her bed... "Sorry about the cravats! I wanted to dry-clean them-" Her voice was closer to her room, and I couldn't move still. "So, yeah, sorry- what are you doing in here?!"

I turned, seeing her face light up in red lights as she noticed what was in front of me. "S-Sorry!"

"My hen- my manga!" Her wailing began as she dropped my box of cravats. She dove for the box, quickly covering it up with a blush on her face. "W-What are you doing in here?!"

"Me?! What about you?!"

"This is my room!" She shoves the box deep under her bed, and she couldn't manage to look me in the eyes. 

I felt that too... the embarrassment as I saw her dark, Japanese secret. What was that? At first, she said, 'hen-' before getting cut off... hen- what? "Why did you go into my room, Hanji?!"

"I wanted to clean your cravats! What about you?! Why did you go into my room?!"

"I was looking for my cravats, four-eyes! And what was that-"

Hanji's eyes narrowed at me, her hazel, beautiful eyes grew intense as she stared at me. "Don't. Talk. About. My. Personal. Collection."

Crossing my arms, I demanded answers. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"Those... manga. What were they?"


"Hanji, I'm sure regular manga doesn't have all that-"

"Yaoi and yuri!" She shouts before rushing into her bathroom, locking herself in there.

Groaning... I realized that it probably was pretty personal. Looking back under the bed, should I go back and take a thoroughly look? Maybe... my hand reached under, but I didn't pull it from the shadows. Instead, I left it there. I needed to apologize for my actions... so, as every guy should do for their lovers, I went to the bathroom door.

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