Freshmen 59

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Hampton University, VirginiaFriday, 1/2"You Don't Know Me"

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Hampton University, Virginia
Friday, 1/2
"You Don't Know Me"

{Misunderstood by Rod Wave}

"And 5...6...7...8!" Coach MiMi yelled while snapping her fingers to the beat.

She walked around, watching the cheerleaders go through their halftime dance routine. The music continued playing and she continued counting in order to keep them in sync. They were doing alright. Dess counted in her head as she danced. She stomp her feet, shook her hips, waved her hands, and moved her body all around. She noticed herself getting better at picking up the moves and keeping up with the veterans.

It may have been too early to say, but she could see herself being a captain or co-captain her junior year. She was taking it one day at time and working on herself more individually. It was going to take time.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8." MiMi continued counting and snapping her fingers.

"Last one ladies!" Coach Louis yelled in the middle of MiMi's counting. As the song started to come to the end, the girls did their last eight count before doing a pose.

MiMi clapped her hands, amazed at the girls and how good they looked. This was the only practice they had that all the girls were amazing. She loved that.

"Okay, girls!" MiMi exclaimed, clapping her hands still. "Y'all are looking better and better."

"No, seriously," Louis chimed in, smiling from ear to ear. The girls all happily exclaimed, hearing that from their coaches. Practice and even the games, they struggled and today was the one day that they were good.

"Alright, everyone, we need to have a real talk before we part ways! So, please gather around!" Louis shouted as she walked over to the bleachers were MiMi was standing at.

Everyone gathered around to form a huge circle around their coaches. Dess stood off to the side and used the time to catch her breath. MiMi and Louis stood on the bleachers, so everyone was able to see them.

"Okay, before we leave, MiMi and I feel the need to talk about some issues that's been going around on campus." Louis began, clasping her hands together.

"Yes. We both know that this is a college and that you all are considered adults, but there's still stuff we need to talk about and understand." MiMi added.

Louis continued, "With that being said, we just want to address that despite having your freedom, you all need to be careful and aware of your surroundings. Especially, the ladies."

"We heard about recent rapes and sexual assaults that's been occurring on this campus. And as sad as it is to say, this is something that happens on this campus often." MiMi informed them.

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