Freshmen 27

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Hampton University
Thurs. Nov. 1st, 2:01pm
"Cocoa Butter Kisses"

"Oh, so NOW you can answer calls! But when someone calls you three times, you gonna ignore it!" Susan exclaimed, putting her face all in the camera.

Shai shook his head, snickering. For the past couple of weeks, Shai haven't picked up the phone for anyone. And by anyone he really meant his aunt. He talked to Dess all the time. His aunt? Not so much. It wasn't personal or anything. He just found it more difficult to talk to her nowadays about things she didn't understand nor saw on a daily. Plus, he was trying to grow independent. He was in college, so his life was different. His aunt was not able to understand any of that.

"My fault, auntie. I've been busy." She informed her with the half truth. He have been busy lately, but he also didn't feel the need to talk to her. Again, it wasn't personal.

"Mhm, you're never that busy to ignore a call or send a text. You do realize we're in different states and I worry about you often right?" She asked, Shai nodded his head.

"Yeah, I understand. Like I said I've been busy auntie." He repeated himself, leaning back on his chair.

"Mhm, I've seen them grades boy. You have all A's and one D. What's up with that?" She questioned.

Shai smacked his lips, already knowing what class she was talking about. It was Herbert obviously. After turning in that six page essay, that he spent hours on, Herbert graded it a straight 50%. No if, and, or but about it. A 50%. He questioned it and Herbert didn't give him a straightforward answer. Shai was pissed. He got even angrier when he saw his grade drop from a B to a D. He was using this time to focus and score high grades on every new assignment. He needed it.

"Can you let me curse?" He asked.

"Boy, no." Susan answered.

Shai nodded his head then continued speaking, "Aight, anyway, my English teacher is a fucking asshole." he cursed anyway. There was nothing his aunt could do since they were nowhere near each other.

"Imma kick ya ass little boy," she threatened, shaking her head. Shai knew she wasn't going to, which is why he wasn't worried about it.

"Anyway, this English teacher...what's your issue with him?" Susan questioned. It was clear to her that Shai was having some issues with him and she felt the need to know.

Shai sigh, "He doesn't like me." he simply answered.

Susan raised her brow. "What? You must've mistaken an action of his because I highly doubt that man dislike you."

"Nope. He dislike me, auntie."

"Did he come out and say that?"

"He didn't have to. You know that feeling you get whenever grandma and grandpa criticize you, but praise my mom?" Shai asked, hitting in a place that he knew his aunt would understand. "That's what I get from him."

Susan opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly. Shai nodded his head. He knew his aunt understood clearly just like he was expecting her to. Susan cleared her throat in the midst of trying to find the correct words. She related all too much of that hatred feeling, however, she didn't like reflecting on it. It was in the past, so it stayed in the past.

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