Freshmen 4

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Hampton University
Mon. Sept. 5th, 7:23 am
"First Everything"

Hair in a ponytail.

Solid red polo.

Black jeans.

Raging Bull Red Jordan 5.

Black hoodie.

Chain with his name on it.

That was his fit for the first day. It wasn't anything crazy. He was comfortable and that was all he cared about. He didn't want to do too much, but still wanted to do enough. Maybe as days go by, he'd dress up and be extravagant. Right now, it wasn't necessary. Shai made sure he had all his school supplies in his bag which wasn't much besides his laptop, notebook, binder, pens, and pencils.

His aunt made sure he a lot of supplies as if he was still in elementary school. He remembered exactly what she said when they went school shopping. "Better more than less," she told him as she threw packs of pencils, pens, highlighters, and sharpies in the Staples shopping cart. Shai knew he wouldn't need this much stuff, but he didn't want to break his aunts happiness for school shopping.

Shai checked everything one last time to be sure. He didn't want to be that one kid who forgot something during the first day. He was trying to avoid all the freshmen tendencies his classmates may carry with them. Rushing to class. Being early to class. Not knowing where his class was. And more. He was hoping his first day went smoothly.

Throwing his bag over his shoulders, he grabbed his phone and earphones then left out his dorm. Axel was still slump, so I licked the door behind him. Putting his AirPods in, he went to his music app and played one of his favorite chill songs. Come Through and Chill played through his AirPods at full volume. He put his hands in his pockets and started on his way.

"Pick up the phone, show me it was real. Pick up the phone, show me it was real." Shai mumbled the lyrics, bobbing his head as he walked down the stairs. He wanted to get his exercise in, so he didn't take the elevator.

Yeah I don't wanna put no pressure on ya
I just wanna put a blessing on ya
Since our last undressin' session I'm not really sure if you've been checkin'
I'm progressin' I just heard my songs is poppin' out in Macedonia
And even Serbia I don't mean to burden ya

Exiting his building, he put his hood on his head as the cold hit him suddenly. His schedule for the semester was easy in his eyes. His first class was Math 110 which was Algebra 1 & 2 and Geometry. He knew that wouldn't be hard because he was good at math. After that he had Introduction to Sports Management, Financial Accounting, and last but not least English. He wasn't a big fan of English because of his high school teachers, but he figured college would be different.

Plus, English was only on Mondays and Wednesdays. Being able to see his professors on certain days was a blessing. As he continued on his way to the buildings on the east side of campus, he saw other students walking around. He gave a head nod to a few of the dudes he recognized from the freshmen events. He got through his song and started another just as he reached the building. Walking inside, he turned his music off and looked around. The building was empty so he assumed since he didn't see anyone.

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