Misplaced Pt. 3

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(skip, Seahawk's POV)

It was all Klarion's doing, Billy has been coming back and forth between us and the adult world, feeding us information, transferring messages, and gathering intel. He's been helping us figure this whole crazy thing out.

And I could breathe a little easier knowing I didn't lose a good portion of my family again.

Snapping my attention back to our sneak attack, Klarion's cat meowed loudly.

With a flick of his wrist, Klarion knocked away the Batarang's, and Artemis' arrows, "Is that really the best you can do?"

Crackling red lightning danced across his fingers as he laughed, flinging Artemis and Robin back to the ground.

Panic flooded my system before I placed my fingers on their necks.

They were only unconscious, they were still alive, and they should wake up soon.

They weren't out for the count yet.

Shaking my head, taking in a deep breath, I turned to watch Klarion, trying hard to read him.

He called himself the Lord of Chaos, and I could feel just how powerful he was, even if he was in a teenager's body.

He didn't seem to be from Greek or Roman mythology, but he did seem to have an ancient power about him.

Shaking my head clear of thoughts, Superboy charged forward, grabbing Klarion's attention, as KF and I ran in, Aqualad using his water bearers.

But he saw us.

A bright red force snapped my head back, slamming my body into the ground.

My vision was fuzzy, but I stood up anyway, ignoring my body shrieking in protest.

Okay, Percy, just stick to the plan.

Zatanna desperately called out a spell, but Klarion just laughed, "Baby magic? Oh please."

Pointing his fingers at her, his black fingernails gleamed in the light of his own magic.

Energy rolled off his hands, as he lazily twitched them, grinning at the Chaos.

His spell crashed into her, sending her flying back, but Superboy grabbed her before she collided with the ground.

Sweat trickled down my jaw and my heart pounded as I threw ice Batarang's, distracting the cat from Klarion.

Running forward, I slammed my hands into the ground, pulling the water from the air, and onto the red dome.

The ice daggers shattered into thousands of pieces, almost hitting the others, but my instincts kicked in.

If I didn't flick my own wrist in time to melt them, my team would've been hit with lightning-charged shards.

"You're going down, Klarion," I yelled.

His eyes snapped to my own, "I don't think so, demigod."

I felt my heart beat quicker, "Do you not think I didn't know what you were? You are a very powerful force of magic, it's written all over you! I'm surprised Zatara and Zatanna didn't see it! And I haven't seen, or fought with one, in ages. This should be fun!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the others fighting, but they had a look of surprise on their faces now.

Yelling at them to keep fighting, I heard the strum of Artemis' bow as she shot at the familiar.

Frowning, the arrow turned into a ball of yarn, and Klarion laughed, "Let's show them what a familiar of the Lord of Chaos can do, shall we Teekl?"

Morphing to something bigger, claws gripped the dirt, matted fur grew in thickness, and its eyes glinted in the red domes light.

It reminded me of fighting the Nemean lion, back at that museum.

"Be careful, I've fought something like it in size and shape! It can be deadly if it catches you," I managed to scream out before getting shot back again by red energy.

The force of the energy, along with the number of times I've been hit with it, should've knocked me out already.

But I was a child of Poseidon, we don't get defeated so easily.

Gritting my teeth, I shook my head clear at the thought, took a deep breath, and assessed our situation.

Everyone was fighting with all they had, but Klarion seemed to be winning.

I closed my eyes, fighting back nausea.

The ground gripped onto my feet and I felt sluggish, the air smelled of smoke and metallic, and the cries of the dying and wounded rang out with the clang of weapons.

"No," I growled, I refuse to let myself go down like this.

Moving aside quickly, I pulled Superboy up, just before Teekl's paw slammed to where his head just was.

The ground beneath her paw shattered, the cracks spiderwebbing outward before it growled again.

He shook his head, growling "Thanks."

"Your," he bounded towards the cat again, "welcome..."

Stepping up to the plate, taking the familiar head-on, he struggled against its weight and power.

And it looked like he was being hit by a fifty-ton truck.

(Batman's POV)

The gem was protected by a ring of powerful villains, all guarding it against us.

Moving forward, I threw Batarang's but was tossed aside like a ragdoll.

Vines started to curl up around me as Zatara raised his arms, chanting.

Nightwing flipped from vine to vine, cutting me free, as gunpowder smoke danced from Red Hood's pistols.

You couldn't see his face, but you could feel the rage rolling off him in waves, as he fought back to back with Nightwing.

Surging forward, all three of us attacked with the other heroes, giving Zatara enough time to finish casting his spell.

Immediately, energy struck the magicians in the circle, and lightning clashed, as Zatara winced.

The gem started to ring out as the energy went from the magicians to It, the forks of lightning crackling with every second.

(Percy's POV)

Clutching my ears, the crystal sang out a screeching chime, and Klarion's eyes darkened maddeningly, "Working with the grown-ups? Tsk, tsk, we can't have any of that, Teekl, can we? Besides, teamwork is so over-rated."

Rushing forward, I was blasted with lighting, and Robin, Red Robin, Artemis, and I were knocked back.

Groaning, I could hear Zatanna calling our names, before attacking Klarion herself.

Come on, we need to succeed, we need the adults!


I could hear KF's worry, then the voice of Zatanna and Nabu together.

She put on the Doctor Fate Helmet.



Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals,

Only 4 more chapters until this is labeled complete, and I try to start the one-shots! I am so excited, and I want to know what you guys think of the story. Don't hesitate to tell me, I'm also open to appreciative of constructive criticism. 😉

And remember: You can leave a comment for any suggestions on what you'd like to see in a one-shot here, or go to my profile, click on conversations, and leave a comment there!

               -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora