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(Bruce's POV)

I got a call from the boys saying the adoptive parents of Percy Jackson just shot him. Twice.

I felt rage claw inside of my chest as they said he was starting to bleed out.

"Bruce? Bruce are you there?" Tim.

"Yeah, I'm here, I'll be over as soon as possible."

"The manor is closer to the hospital, "Tim explained, "and Percy is in an unstable condition, so we took him here instead."

I hung up with Tim and raced out of my meeting, asking my secretary to clear my schedule and I hurried to the manor, hoping Percy would make it.

(Time Change and now it's Tim's POV)

Bruce strode into the bat cave with long strides, worry etched into his face. It made it hard for me to tell him Percy's condition, it looked like he cared a lot.

"Tim, how is he."

I hesitated, "He's hurt bad, Bruce. He had a bullet lodged just below the knee and one in his abdomen. There was a knife in his shoulder that they twisted, and it was a miracle they didn't hit anything vital, thankfully they didn't. He did lose a lot of blood, but we're hoping we got to him in time. Alfred's finishing up on him now, if you want to go see him."

Bruce's face clouded in anger, and I took a step back, "How did he survive with those people for so long?! Were the Shervile's taken to jail? If they weren't I will happily do it myself," he growled.

"It's been all taken care of, everything's fine, "I assured him, "they're going to be locked up for a very, very long time."

Bruce opened his mouth to say something else when a scream of pure agony escaped the medical room.

I raced to get to the door, right behind Bruce, and what was inside scared me. Percy lay on the table, bloody, bruised, and stitched up. Alfred and Bruce were trying to hold the thrashing Percy down, and it looked like he was having some sort of bad memory. Or a relapse.

But then I noticed his hair, the white strand in it grew more prominent and it reminded me of Jason's.

Did Percy go through the same thing, too?

"Tim, get the syringe," Bruce called, nodding to the table.

The syringe would knock him out, hopefully calm him down.

I handed it to Bruce, hurriedly, and as he brought the needle down, Percy's eyes flew open. One hand grabbing Bruce's, just before the needle pierced his skin, and the other hand helping launch himself over Alfred's shoulder.

He raced out the door in a panic.

"Master Tim!"

"I'm on it, Alfred!" I called back over my shoulder.


Good morning fellow demigods, and dear mortals!

I think I'll post maybe twice today, I just can't leave it at this! But when everyone sees Percy's hair, knows he was traumatized, and he's acting strange, they definitely think something is up. Little do they know he's a demigod. :D Well, back to whatever I was doing, see y'all later!

            -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

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