You Guys, Again? This is Getting Old!

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"Batman, how nice of you to bring the family with you," I chuckled, "it'll be like a party!"

They stared at me before dismissing my tragic attempt at conversation and went in for the attack, but it wasn't me who they attacked. Instead, they went to my left.

Handcuffing Red Hood to a pole, he growled at them, "No way in Hades," I guess I was rubbing off on him, "are you attaching me to a pole."

Batman growled, "it seems you work with him a lot, and you might jump in and let him get away."

I could hear the fury in Jason's voice, "Bullcrap! It seems to me you let him get away perfectly fine on your own!"

"And why," I glared at Batman, "is me "getting away" any of your concern?"

"We need to keep an eye on you, make sure you don't do anything you will regret doing in my city," He rumbled.

He started to slowly walk towards me, "For all we know, you could be a danger to Gotham."

I groaned, I seriously didn't get why I need a leash. I know he likes to keep his city under wraps, have everything about anything in his view, but it's a little possessive.

Stopping a few feet away from me, I put my weight on the balls of my feet, as he glared at me again.

(I believe I am immune to the famous Bat Glare. This is like the millionth time I've been on the receiving end of it.)

"You need to step up the intensity of your glare, in my opinion," I backed away a couple of steps, keeping my distance, "Sure, it's pretty sufficient, but the glare I learned from Lupa is waaaaay more intimidating.

His frown grew deeper as I kept talking, "You could learn a thing or two from her, her glare is just plain scary."

As I continued with my ADHD ramblings, I could see his muscles bunch up, giving me a quick warning, before I attacked him first.

I managed to get a couple of punches in, striking a split-second before he was able to himself. Thanks to my training, I was able to tell he was going to attack based on the signs from his muscles.

I slowly edged away from him, holding up my guard, "Attacking in the middle of doing something, to distract an opponent. I've seen you do that sometimes, a man of taste I see."

He bared his teeth at me, as I dodged his leg and laughed, "Seriously Batman, I'm pretty familiar with that tactic, I use it all the time. I usually just annoy my opponent, to be honest, rather than using it as a tactic."

I threw up my arms as he hit me with his own. He was pretty strong, but so was I.

And I knew for a fact, after many years of near-death experiences, that my guard was pretty sturdy. So, it was hard for him to get through.

But Batman's experience in years toppled over mine and cast a shadow over it. I could take him on any day, but he was better at some things than I was.

Even though I was around the same level as him, in some departments, I was better in others.

After our battle continued, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin joined in on the attack.

I really didn't want to hurt any of them, even if I knew they could take it, it just felt wrong. But hey, I was previously working on my evasion skills with Nico, so I'll leave giving them bruises to the last resort list.

Keeping an eye on the others, being preoccupied with Batman again, I noticed Robin wasn't trying as hard as he could've been. He wasn't keeping as alert as usual, or attacking as hard.

But, why?

Getting a smack to the nose, I hit Red Robin back.



Morning fellow demigods, and dear mortals!

I have decided to move posting to at least twice a week! I'm going to shoot for Tuesdays and Fridays, and hopefully, it all works out like I'm hoping.

           -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

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