Mountain Time

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(Percy's POV, time skip)

Today was the day I would be setting up my room in the Young Justice headquarters, at the Mountain, and start group training.

The thing is, I have to find a way to get out of the house without anyone noticing, which is almost impossible when your adoptive dad is the greatest detective of all time and Batman. But, even he couldn't figure out I'm Seahawk, so I'm crossing my fingers for this one.

Even though the mansion was big, and I could pretend to be around somewhere, they could easily call me.

The cameras would be the last thing that would stand in my way, and I couldn't think of anything to fix that.

I guess pretending to be out would be the best option.

Hermes better be right about the sneaking around gifts he gave me, and Aphrodite with the persuasion, especially if something went wrong.

Just keep it simple, Percy.

Grabbing a blue duffle bag from the back of my closet, I stuffed Mr. Beluga inside, a couple of shirts and jeans, two hoodies, my toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, an extra blanket, a couple of weapons, a couple of extra domino masks, granola bars, and a special med-kit, before making sure my celestial bronze trident ring was still on my finger.

I never ever took it off, in case I was needed. I was the only one allowed to take the ring off, besides my father, and it was a safety net in case something went wrong.

Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I breathed in the fresh air coming from my window.

It was still a little early in the morning, but Tim and Dami were at the mountain, Dick was at Bludhaven doing police stuff, and Jason was out, while Bruce and Alfred were here.

Since it was a Saturday, we didn't have school, well the others who were still in school didn't.

I didn't go back to school since coming here, me and... her... studied and completed high school already, before she pulled me into studying college things.

Bruce was surprised that I was around college level with the results of my school evaluation test. But this meant I didn't have to go to school and allowed me to take care of Estelle more often. At least, when Alfred didn't steal her. <3

But Ana... she was always proud of me, me being the seaweed brain I am, especially when I was able to finish.

I couldn't have done it without her.

Man, I miss her.

A babble coming from Estelle's room alerted me, and I walked into her soft green and ivory room, shaking away my grief.

I could feel the smile coming to my face, as I watched her stand in her crib, mumbling nonsense.

Grabbing her, and finishing changing her, I placed multiple dresses in front of her to choose from.

Her little eyes roamed the dresses, before she crawled over to me, touching my face, "Perce."

I let out a bubbly laugh, which made my little sea star smile before she grabbed at a light blue dress.

"I sea that you have a great choice in clothing, little star."

Slipping her into the dress, and walking back into my room, I put on a matching hoodie, "Now, let's go get some breakfast, huh?"

The halls were quiet as we softly padded down to the kitchen, and I found Bruce and Alfred seated at the island.

"Morning," I walked over to the stack of waffles before smiling, "you made them blue."

Alfred smiled a warm smile, "Of course, Master Percy, I thought you would appreciate a nice blue meal. Especially today."

I nodded to him in thanks as Bruce looked on in confusion.

Alfred knew all about my first day at the mountain, and this was his way of wishing me good luck.

He was just the best.

Buckling Estelle into her high-chair, I placed some blueberry applesauce in a bowl for her, "I'm going to be out today. I'm meeting a friend and I'm might be gone for a little while, so, don't worry if I'm not here all day."

Bruce nodded, "Just check in with your phone once in a while, just so we know you're safe. We don't want to lose you again."

I tried not to snicker, "I'll bet you a hundred drachma's I won't get kidnapped."


Well, my dad did say I could drop hints, and I haven't been doing too much of that lately.

"It's Greek currency, sorta," I answered, before turning back to Alfred, "Do you think you could take Estelle for today? You've been looking after her so much, if you don't want to take her I could probably get..."

"Of course," Alfred interrupted, "I would be delighted to watch Mistress Estelle."

"Thanks," I ate the last of my waffles and an apple, before kissing the top of Estelle's head, "Now be good for Grandpa Alfred, okay?"

I shouldered my bag again, and headed for the door, "Be back later!"

(No one's POV)

But what Percy didn't see as he left the room, was Alfred discreetly wiping a tear from his eye.

Bruce smiled at Alfred and the little girl he held, "Of course she'll be good for her Grandpa, won't you Estelle?

Estelle gurgled, before laughing and grabbing at Alfred's face, "ampa!"

And Alfred did not break down, not at all, not a single tear was shed.

Okay, maybe just one.

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