Grocery Runs and Secrets

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(Jason's POV)

A loud blaring horn shattered our eardrums, interrupting the movie... I guess Barry and Percy were back.

We all raced to the door, seeing who could get there first, when we collided with Percy, "Are you guys gonna help us bring in the groceries, or are Barry and I going to have to do it?"

He glared at us, leaning heavily against the doorframe, forcing us into action. As everyone made their way to the car, I got jerked back.

"Hey Percy," I asked, "Is everything ok? You look kind of pale." He's never pale.

Percy tightened his grip on my shirt, and the new look on Percy's face told me everything. Especially as he slipped his hand into his pocket, where Riptide and his pocket knife resided. Crap.

"Oh, no. You didn't get?"

He nodded.

"In front of him?"

He nodded again.

"Did you use the mist?"

"Couldn't, he's clear-sighted."

"Please tell me you didn't..."

Clutching the doorframe, knuckles turning white, he sighed loudly, "We got attacked by an empousa, I had to tell him, he would've told the League if I didn't have a good reason for him not to."

He continued to explain how the monster attacked, how monsters couldn't get into Gotham as easily, and how Barry smacked his head against the steering wheel. He wanted me to talk to Barry because I knew about all of this Greek crap, and maybe calm him down. Calming people down is not my specialty, it's the exact opposite.

Oh boy, this was gonna be fun.

Walking up to the trunk, I shifted the grocery bags in my hands, "Hey Barry?"

He was being awfully quiet.

He turned to me, "Y-yeah?"

"I know what Percy told you, he told me a while ago, well more like I found out but that's not the point. It's a precaution not to tell anyone, we don't want anything happening to him, so keep your mouth shut. Besides, these things can't get in easily, so we're fine. Percy knows how to deal with this kind of stuff, no one needs to worry about it."

I could tell he trusted me and Percy, but I could also feel his reluctance, "Why don't we go upstairs and talk about it, while the others eat after the groceries?"

(Upstairs, still Jason's POV)

Wiping away the delicious apple bread pudding crumbs away, I signaled to Barry.

Once we shut the door, Barry practically exploded, "How the heck does the mythology stuff work! Science is the foundation of everything and this is an earthquake to said foundation! I know science can explain this, it always does, but this is downright crazy!"

I waited for him to get it all out, it was quite a task to not interrupt. Once he paused, I pulled out my knife, picking away at the dirt on my fingernails.

"You done?"

"I guess. Yeah." He paced the floor the whole time, shaking his head.

"Any questions then?"

I should brace myself for impact, he would have a lot of questions. Not sure if I could answer most of them, considering Percy only told me so much junk, but I guess I should give it a shot. Besides, Percy promised me extra blue cookies for me to be nice.

"Percy answered some of them, but he skipped a huge chunk of his life. Do you know what that was about?"

The edge of the bed creaked underneath me, "Um, not really. He said something about a giant fight and stuff, he didn't want to elaborate. I think something really bad must've happened, he always gets cold and distant when it's mentioned. It's like he doesn't want to remember it."

I made my way over to the door, "I suggest leaving him alone about it. Bad memories aren't fun to deal with when someone pries, believe me, I've had experience in that department. So, any other questions?" I was getting bored at this point, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do for blue cookies and helping Percy out.

(Damian's POV)

"Tt, where are Todd and Allen, Percy," I mumbled through the crumbs, "they have been upstairs for a long time now."

I could see his eye twitch ever so slightly, and if I was not an experienced and trained assassin, I would not have caught it. He is indeed hiding something, I have suspected such for a long time now, but I cannot imagine what his secret is.

"Er, I don't know," Percy inhaled the last of his bread pudding and shrugged, "probably hero stuff or something."

He was definitely hiding something.

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