The Chill of Death

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"No, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

Mom laid on the kitchen floor, eyes staring at the ceiling, blood dripping from the knife in her head. Paul laid next to her, blood mixing with hers as it poured out of his throat.

My sobs rang out across the apartment, mixing with another's cry.

Racing into the nursery, I spotted my little sister, my little Estelle, unharmed.

"Thank the gods," I whispered, cradling her salt and pepper haired head, to my chest. Her eyes, the eyes of my mom, dried as I held her, rocking her back and forth.

I couldn't believe they're gone too, I've lost so many people. It just isn't fair! They didn't need to die, it was all worthless, why couldn't Gaea just leave me alone. I haven't seen them in so long, it's been months, and now I'll never get to see them again until the day I die. And Estelle will grow up barely having met them.


"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" The woman's voice bounced around my skull, echoing back and forth.

I ran my hand over my face and through my hair, trying to keep it together, trying not to break, "I'd like to report two murders. Someone, someone murdered my mom and step-dad and I have my baby sister with me. We need help.


Officer McClautney was very kind to me and Estelle, you could see in his eyes that he truly wanted to help. There needed to be more people like him, then the world wouldn't be as sucky as it was now. 

And I felt really bad when I first ran, but I couldn't risk having Estelle taken away from me. She was all I had left and I was all she had left.

We made it as far as Gotham before we were caught. I tried to fight back, but a masked bat vigilante caught us. He dropped us off at the nearest orphanage, promising a friend of his would take us in. So, he made the lady promise to keep us safe and together until his friend arrived.

"Of course, Batman," So that was his name, "Don't you worry, I'll put them in the best of care."

Batman grunted, "Make sure you see to it."

I could tell the lady was lying, she didn't give a crap over me and Estelle. As long as we were here, it would be living misery.


Good morning fellow demigods, and dear mortals!

How is everyone today? I know this is a shorter chapter than I would usually do, but it was how it needed to be. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

So, I don't have a schedule for this story, but I am going to try to shoot for posting once a week. (Don't hold me to that I'm terrible with schedules sometimes hehe) In the future, my posting could be delayed due to high school problems and me writing my other stories. But don't worry, my friends, everything should go smoothly.

                           -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

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