Getting to Know The Team

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"Recognized, Seahawk DG01."

I have decided I could tolerate the Zeta Tube and found it cool that Diana created a whole new category for Demigods, hence the "DG", and she was the only one who knew what it meant.

Take that Batman.

She also put Will and Nico into the system, just in case something ever happened to me, and I needed other special help.

And yes, they did have code names.

Feeling someone touch my shoulder, I instinctively judo-flipped them, before putting up my fists.

Lowering them, I winced, "Sorry, Kaldur."

"It was my fault, Seahawk, I should have thought to not interrupt when you were thinking," I gave Kaldur my hand and hauled him up.

"Nah, it's my fault, there's no excuse, and that's final," I laughed, "how about that?"

We both laughed for a second, and Kaldur offered to take my bags to my room, but I refused, 'I would appreciate if you could show me to my room though, not quite sure where it is."


Jumping and landing backward on my bed, I sighed, and Kaldur looked back at me, "Is something wrong, Your Highness?"

"Dude, you really need to chill with the "Your Highness" and "my lord" stuff, I hate formalities. Especially around the others, they'll get suspicious."

"I will certainly try," he paused before a small smile passed across his lips, "my lord."

I grabbed at his shoulders in surprise," Kaldur, are you? My gods, the sass," Throwing my bag onto the floor, I grinned, "I am the literal Master of Sass, so you'd better be careful, I might obliterate you with my sassy-ness. Then I'd have to explain to your mentor and my father why you died. Death by Perssasy, that doesn't sound like fun at all."

Kaldur bowed, "I will certainly watch my step."

I was really surprised with his banter, he was usually a little more formal than that!

I smothered a laugh, and after a moment of amused, comfortable silence, I sighed loudly.

Kaldur's face took on a look of concern, and before he could ask, I spoke, "No, Kaldur'ahm, nothing is wrong."

"Of course," He hesitated, then handed me a small box with a bow, sheepishly smiling, "We hope you will like it, it is to welcome you. A room warming gift, I guess it can be named."

After Kaldur left, telling me training would be in 15 minutes, I decided to open the box.

Pulling the bow carefully off, I lifted the lid up.

Inside, a pearl fixed with a warm, light grey sea stone, was attached to a warm brown leather string, to make a pendant. Underneath it, there was a matching one, and below it, lay a note.

Lifting up the note that was placed beneath the pendants, I read it carefully.

Dear Perseus,

Your father assisted us in the crafting of them and they have very unique abilities. You wear one yourself, giving the matching one to another, and if either of you is in danger, the pearl will emit a soft glow. This will warn the other wearer, and as you get nearer, it will blink even more rapidly. This can aid you when there is appears to be no other way to get assistance.

We hope it will come in handy and seek to find someone you have confidence in to give it to,

King Orin and Kaldur'ahm

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