Chapter 4

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"You're the girlfriend of Kim Taehyung starting from today"

It's like everything stopped and she has been sucked into a black hole, Risa found herself staring at him for a good 30 seconds as if he spoke in a language she couldn't comprehend. Blinking slowly, breathing in as she finally found her voice again.

"What on earth are you talking about?", her question come out in a rush.

"You will be on my watch, our watch, for the next 60 days. That's the only way to keep everyone safe. Especially you and me"

"Are you out of your mind?", Risa raised her voice as she stood up in a swift. "What in the mighty world is wrong with you"?

She paced herself towards the table, placing her palms flat on it trying to brace her shaken self. She couldn't believe it. She can't put it in her head, everything that he just said. None of them make sense. Nothing makes sense.

Taehyung didn't say a word as he stood up slowly, making his way towards Risa.

"Listen here", his voice was low, almost like a warning.

Her head flick up realizing how clear his voice was behind her. She turned around just to find him looking down at her, his intent eyes piercing right through her existence. It was too late to escape when he placed both of his hands at the sides of her, trapping her small frame at the table.


He is too close

"Don't act as if I wanted this to happen. You were the one who were so brave yesterday approaching me not knowing the consequences of your own stupid action. You got us in this mess. So, you have no other choice but to follow our plan. Do you understand?"

"What if I disagree to this plan?"

"I did not ask for your agreement", he looks down at her, seemingly unbothered of the closeness between their bodies.

She pushed him aside freeing herself, escaping the dangerous position she was in a few seconds ago. Not going to lie, she did feel flustered when he just did that out of nowhere.

She is still a girl for goodness sake, any sane woman will feel flustered being caged like that by a man. God damn it.

"This is lunacy", she disagreed.

"Tell that to Karin, lets see if she finds it lunacy if you don't want this"

"I don't want this. I am barely back in Seoul and I have to stay here? Wait, I have to stay here?"

Taehyung leans on his table as he crossed his arms across his chest as he looks at Risa. She looks entirely outraged and at the edge of flipping herself.

"As per said by my notorious sister, yes. You will need to be here. It is for your own good. So, don't be a little kid and try to fight this. This is for your own sake. You wouldn't know what kind of nasty hideous gossips they might write about you when they see you in the streets. They could just stir up some ridiculous rumors. You don't want that"


Risa slumps herself on her comfy big bed after a long day of trying to make sense of what she has gotten herself into. She shut her eyes closed, calming her anxiety of dealing with such mess she doesn't know existed at the first place. She rolled to the end of her bed and got up instantly. She thought of her conversation with Taehyung and how that man is entirely nothing but intimidating and cold.

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