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We were now out for lunch, after me and Lola arguing back and forth I decided to invite Brad to lunch.

Brad was sat facing me as Lola sat next to me. Layla's pram was pushed up close to the table.

After we had ordered I knew Lola would begin asking Brad questions.

'So Brad, what do you work as?' Lola asked him. Yep I expected that.

'I work for Island Records, so I write and produce with other writers in the studio.' He replied, taking a drink.

'That sounds sick! Do you play any instruments then?' She asked.

He nodded, 'The guitar, piano and drums.' He said and her eyes widened.

'Holy shit, I could just about hit the right key on the piano when I was in school.' She said causing us both to laugh.

'Me and Lola were partners in music, Lola forever argued with the music teacher because she wanted to play old McDonald. And to this day that's the only thing we know.' We laughed at the memory.

'Well I could teach you sometime.' Brad smiled.

As we talked more, the waiter brought over our food and we tucked in. After a while we were finished and decided to leave so me and Lola has time to get ready to go out.

As I went to pay for the bill, Brad pulled his card out and tapped the machine.

'Brad!' I groaned. 

'Oops?' He joked with a smirk.

It had been a few hours now since we had food. Me and Lola were ready now to go out. Brad was coming over in around 10 minutes to look after Layla.

I still felt bad for him watching her but he did offer and wouldn't let me cancel if I tried. I'll get him a little something for doing me a favour.

As we sat waiting for Brad I changed her into her pyjamas and got her ready for bed. She still wasn't due her bottle for another hour.

Just as I got her ready there was a knock at the door.

'Lola can you get the door?' I shouted.

She came running out of the bathroom, with her toothbrush in her mouth and answered the door.

'Sorry,' Lola said as she took the toothbrush out of her mouth. 'Come in.' She said before running to the bathroom again.

'Hey.' Brad said as he walked over to the sofa.

'Hey, thanks so much for taking her tonight.' I thanked him.

'Ah it's no bother, you deserve a night out.' He replied with a soft smile.

'She's due her bottle in just over an hour, would you be okay to feed her it?' I asked.

'Yeah, no bother. Don't worry, I make a great babysitter.' He said with a wink.

'Are we ready?' Lola shouted as she reappeared from the bathroom. I nodded and stood up, grabbing my small bag.

'See you later princess, be good for Brad.' I cooed as I held her and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

'Now go and enjoy yourself!' Brad ushered us out the door.

'Fine fine.' I raised my arms in surrender.

'Let's get you laid!' Lola shouted as we left.

I looked back to see Brad stood at the door, a small frown on his face. I wonder what was wrong?

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