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I sighed as I put away the files I was going over. I stretched and cracked my back, I slowly stood up and stretched some more.

I guess you could say that things are slightly getting better at home. I have been a little stressed with work and Shawn is slowly letting go of his obsession with the case.

Today I got a call about from Blue's school. Apparently my daughter thought it would be okay to play music with the iPod she was not to take to school mid-spelling quiz.

The good thing about all this is that I get to leave school earlier. I got in my car and drove back home. I waved at the familiar faces around the neighborhood.

I finally reached the house and opened the garage door. I went over to unlock the door.


"AHH!" I yelled dropping my phone. "Shit," I bent down to get it.

"Me scare you mommy!" Ansel said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and tickled him as I lifted him up, "How are you, chubby?" I asked him as I kissed his cheek.

"Me good, mommy!" He smiled showing his tiny teeth.

"Great, where's Blue?" I asked him as we both went upstairs.

"In hew woom, daddy said her has to stay thewe," Ansel said as he played with my necklace.

I nodded and put him down, "You have homework, baby?" I asked him.

"Yess! We color today!" He said all excited.

"Okay go get your materials and I'll help you when I finish with Blue."

He nodded and ran to their study/play room. I giggled and went up to my bedroom. I slowly opened the door and laughed quietly at Jay laying on the bed snoring away.

I put my purse down and went around to his side. I began massaging his head as I placed kisses on his chin and neck. "Baby.. wake up.."

His eyes fluttered a few times and he looked down at me, "Babe?" He asked groggily.

"Yeah. Thank you so much for going to get the kids, I had a really important meeting," I said and kissed his sweet lips.

"It was no problem, today I wasn't doing any important work."

"Still," I kissed him again, "What did the principal say?"

"Just that Blue would get lunch detention tomorrow since it was her first offense and we should talk to her and see why she did it," He replied sitting up.

"Okay. Do you want to go talk to her now?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let me go brush my teeth real quick," he said standing up.

He finally was done and we left to go to Blue's room. When we went in she was just sitting in her bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing.." she mumbled.

"Really? Care to tell me what happened today?"

"Daddy already knows. He can tell you."

I was about to snatch her ass up but when I turned her over she was crying. I took a deep breath and looked down at her, "Baby, I want you to tell me. Why did you do it?"

"My friend Daniella says her parents split up and they never pay attention to her and she says the only way they do is when she gets in trouble so I did it," Blue said softly while wiping her tears.

"What? Baby girl, mommy and I love you so much," Shawn spoke.

"No you don't. You guys always working and when you come home you don't pay attention to me or Ansel," she said sadly.

"Look baby, mommy and daddy have been busy lately but I promise I'll try to work less so I can spend more time with you guys," I said hugging her, "Would you like that?"

"Yes mommy. I wish daddy would too," she said slowly into my neck.

Shawn heard her and joined the hug, "I promise I will too. Nothing matters to me more than you guys."

"Okay! Yay! Wait can I take a nap now?" Blue asked.

"You not slick. As soon as you wake up you better do your homework, girl," I said poking her stomach as I stood up.

"Okay, mommy!"

We left out her room and Shawn was called in while I went to help Ansel with his homework.


I had just laid the kids down to bed when I heard the front door open. "Babe? That's you!?"

Soon I heard footsteps coming upstairs, "Yeah what's up?"

"What you mean what's up!? Where have you been?!"

"Babe, you were right there when the captain called me in."

"What were you doing?"

"We caught a suspect that's it," he said taking off his jacket.

"Wait a second. That ain't the shirt you left with."

"What? Yes it is.. what you talking about?"

"Nigga, I wash shit around here, I know damn well your left with a blue shirt and not a white one!"

"I changed in the precinct cause it was.. um.. dirty.."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Take it off," I demanded.

"What?" He asked.

"Take that shit off, Corey, I ain't fucking playing with you!"

He sighed and slowly took it off. I gasped and looked at the fresh scar and stitched on his shoulder.

"What in the-? What happened!?"

"The suspect was running away and when I caught up with him he shot me but that gave the other cop time to cuff him," Shawn explained sitting down.

"Are you okay? Baby, like.. I can't.." I teared up and looked down at him, "What if they had shot you somewhere else? You wouldn't be here! Shawn, you have a family!"

"Don't you think I know that!? Criminals like the ones I catch were my father's cause of death. I catch these criminals and put them behind bars to protect my family and if that means putting my life on the line then so be it. Because I rather die than them, so don't you dare come barking at me when I know every morning when I put that badge on that there is a small chance I won't make it home at night. I know the odds, I know the facts, the probabilities. Hell, I see them happen everyday, but if getting shot, stabbed, killed, maybe even kidnapped means my kids will live safely then I am willing to put on that badge with pride knowing I'm not only protecting my kids but many others, knowing that I'm avenging many deaths, knowing that my wife will be at home safe. This shot, is nothing compared to losing you guys," he said making me tear up even more.

"I understand that, but our kids need their daddy. I know you are protecting us but we need you at home too," I cried.

He held me and kissed the top of my head, "Ssshhh. I understand, I'm sorry. I just want you guys safe.."

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