What do we say to the God of Death

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Daeron felt his almost still heart start to race as he heard the words exit his 'guards' mouth, it had been a long time since he'd received the warning from Nissa but he had never forgotten. How could someone forget when they were told a faceless man was after them and would try to kill them. Daeron held his sword tightly as he watched the man in front of him like a hawk, he didn't know how long the man had been following him, days, weeks, months, but he had been waiting all this time for the right moment.

Daeron looked around and he could see why this would be an opportune moment, the bridge was packed with people making it hard to escape and he was separated from his allies. Though there had been moments before when that had been the case making Daeron theorise that perhaps the Faceless man had joined their group when they escaped from Pentos "Why did you take so long to try and kill me?" Daeron asked though he didn't truly expect to be answered.

"A man made many attempts but a man was immune to them all," the Faceless man stated which made Daeron frown.

'He must've tried to poison me on the ship, but because my body is near death and runs cold it must've counteracted it,' Daeron reasoned though he couldn't be sure if this was the truth. However, he was brought out of his thoughts when the Faceless man edged forward with his spear in hand and thrust it, which Daeron parried off to the side avoiding a blow that would've pierced through his leg. However, looking closely at the metal tip of the blade Daeron could see a liquid shining on its surface 'More poison?' He thought to himself as he backed up, he'd need to watch that just in case he was wrong about the poison. While some people had stopped to watch their fight a lot didn't care and continued about their day as if this sort of thing happened all the time.

The spear was thrust forward again and Daeron smacked it off to the side again while stepping forward 'He's picked a poor weapon to fight with,' Daeron thought to himself, in such a crowded space a spear would only be a hindrance but he wasn't going to criticise his opponent for giving him an advantage. He swung his sword up diagonally in an attempt to slash him from hip to shoulder but the faceless man leapt backwards, he went back fast and high, much higher than Daeron thought a normal person could do. As the Faceless man leapt back he changed his grip on the spear and threw it straight at Daeron who was still mid swing 'Shit!' Daeron thought to himself as he saw the spear flying towards him, he had to drop onto the ground to avoid the spear about to impale him.

A realisation washed over Daeron like a bucket of cold water, he wasn't fighting against a warrior, this was one of the best and most trained assassins in the known world and that would be how he fought, not like a warrior but as a man who's sole job was to kill him. Daeron rolled to the side as he avoided multiple knives being thrown at him all of them no doubt having some kind of poison on them, Daeron crawled behind a stand before he pushed himself up and peaked over the top only to see the Faceless man vaulting over the stand kicking Daeron in the chest and sending him through the wall of a shoddily constructed building behind the stand.

Daeron stood up just in time to parry a large dagger aimed directly at his heart. What followed was a flurry of rapid slashes that were barely defended by Daeron, he was at a disadvantage due to the length of his weapon and how confined the shack they were in was. However, from their exchange Daeron was able to discover that the Faceless man wasn't a warrior, while he had talent with a blade he was not on Daeron's level.

Blocking an overhead slash, Daeron parried it off to the side before shoulder barging the Faceless man out of the shack and back to the stand where Daeron followed up with a thrust, the Faceless man avoided this by flipping backwards over the stand which led Daeron sword to be pierced through the wood of the stand.

"Take your fight somewhere else!" The man who had sold Daeron the book complained as if this happened all the time. Daeron ignored him as he went to pull his sword out of the stand but when he did he saw the Faceless man reach for another dagger.

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