First Flight

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The sun was shining on the free city of Pentos, one of the cities along the coast of the narrow sea. In the city was a manse belonging to a certain cheesemonger, he sat with someone he had known for many years, one of the only people he trusted and most likely ever trusted.

Varys his friend was one of the most composed people he'd ever met and yet right now he was angry for the first time since he was a child "We need to find whoever exposed us and kill them! They know too much! How do they know about Aegon it's impossible!"

Illyrio took a drink from his cup "Calm yourself, my friend, we need simply adjust our plan, we still have the coastal houses of the Crownlands that support us"

Varys looks to Illyrio sceptically "Will they? With the information that the other Targaryen has a dragon, we may find their allegiances shifting"

They are brought out of their conversation by a boy with silver hair walking in through the doors, by his side is a large grizzled man with reddish grey hair "Why was I not informed about the events transpiring in Westeros!" He shouted in a regal voice.

Illyrio smiled broadly "Ahh Aegon it is good to see you, do not take offence we simply did not think it was important enough to worry the King with"

"Not important enough? The realm is rising against our biggest allies and you thought it not important enough not to inform me?" Aegon spat out as he took a seat at the table.

"Dorne is resilient your grace, even your ancestors with your dragons couldn't conquer Dorne, they will outlast the usurper" Varys stated.

Aegon shook his head "I refuse to allow this to occur, we have an opportunity here to get the advantage on the usurper"

"And how is that your grace?" Illyrio asks.

"They will be taking their armies into Dorne, once they do their backs will be exposed. If we land at griffins roost we can organise our troops with the Dornish and get them from both sides" Aegon states.

"Your grace perhaps it is too soon to be taking such drastic measures so soon, we have not even secured an alliance with Dorne as of yet" Varys states.

But Aegon is young and stubborn "It doesn't matter, they are my family and I will not abandon them" he then turns to Jon Connington "Prepare the Golden Company to travel" he commanded getting a nod back.

He then looked to Illyrio "I hope you can secure us enough ships for us to make landfall" he gets a slow nod back.

Aegon nods and then looks at them awkwardly "Are my family doing well?"

Illyrio smiles though most can tell that it isn't real "These things take time your grace, just like with Rhaenys I am certain they will cool off and come around eventually"

Aegon smiled with relief, his sister had nearly attacked him the first time they met but after Varys and Illyrio had sent her away to cool off and get some peace of mind through travel she had changed. He couldn't wait until he married her, though like his namesake before him he would take Daenerys as his wife as well, once she came around.

Aegon then stood up and then left the room "He seems to be growing up fast, Serra" Illyrio says to himself with a small smile on his face.


Robb Stark stood at the window of his room looking out into the snowy courtyard of Winterfell, ever since he had sent the letter to the lords of the North he was essentially under house arrest. He supposed it could've been worse, but even so, he would have done it all again if given the choice, Jon deserved to be happy and so did his sisters and if them leaving together is what allowed that to happen then he was glad.

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